Breakthrough Ebook Based on the New York Time’s Bestseller
The Flip Side™ Shows You Exactly How To...

Overcome Whatever Is Holding You Back!

Discover the Impact of Personal Constraints

No matter how formidable our talents, we are held back by behaviors that set the limits of our performance.

At The Flippen GroupTM, we believe that everyone should be fully aware of, and playing to, their strengths…but playing to your strengths is not enough.

We also believe that everyone should be aware of and mitigate their behavioral constraints. We define a constraint as a behavior you take too far, ironically almost always a strength you take too far! Confidence is a strength, but someone who is over-confident can come across as stubborn or unwilling to hear input from others.

Get the FREE EBOOK that will have you soaring past your personal constraints.


What Other Leaders & Executives Are Saying

Discover What Other Leaders Have Already Learned

“Flip Flippen is making an enormous impact inside our organization. Through his vast experience and commitment to our success, the Flippen Group processes have become a vital part of our culture. We look forward to our company's continued growth, both personal and professional. My recommendation to all business leaders -- contact The Flippen Group today and prepare yourself for the most positive life-changing experience you will ever have!”

“This works! We now understand and are able to address the personal constraints that are holding us down. It benefits us individually as well as collectively. We perform better as a team and are committed to each others success. Within 6 months of applying these concepts in only a portion of the organization, it has the impact of increasing our sales by over $100M per year.”

“The Flippen Group's processes are outstanding. Not only have they assisted me in building a stronger company, but they have transformed my personal life. Flip is one of the most gifted personal/professional coaches I have met. I think every business leader should have the opportunity to meet Flip and his company.”

“Going through the Flippen group program and knowing Flip has had a profound impact on my life, personally and professionally. His method of helping people understand their constraints and establishing a plan to overcome them is unique and very effective. I am sure that you will benefit from reading this book.