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Flip Flippen is a man with an uncompromising mission: “To build relationships and processes that bring out the best in people.” He has applied this lofty goal to his work with hundreds of thousands of individuals, including educators, K-12 students, executives, and athletes. With an emphasis on changing behaviors and attitudes that stand in the way of success, he has helped organizations – from small rural school districts to Fortune 500 companies – achieve dramatic improvement in performance, leadership, trust, and productivity.
Flip is an internationally renowned speaker and psychotherapist. He was the founder of Still Creek Ranch, a residential treatment center for young people that flourishes today.

He founded The Flippen Group in 1990. Today, it is the largest educator training company and one of the fastest-growing leadership development organizations in North America. The company’s breakthrough educational processes and curricula are in use at 5000 school districts and campuses in 42 states.  His Flippen Leadership Series, a dynamic training that helps leaders establish goals, uncover constraints, and develop action plans that improve performance and profit, has transformed organizations around the world.

Flip developed The Flippen Profile, an unparalleled psychometric assessment tool that accurately identifies individual strengths and weaknesses. Using this powerful tool, Flip conceived the theory of Overcoming Personal Constraints (OPC), which teaches people how to break the constraints that limit performance and hinder growth. His book, The Flip Side Break Free of the Behaviors That Hold You Back, will be released in May 2007.

The success of his efforts has been documented on The Today Show, The Super Bowl Pre-Game Show, Speed Channel’s NBS 24/7, and in countless publications for more than twenty years.

An energetic and successful entrepreneur, Flip has founded numerous businesses and counseling services and serves as chairman of the board of K2Share, a web-based learning company in partnership with Trinity Industries.
Flip earned a Masters degree from Texas A & M University. Committed to public service, he has served on the Texas Governor’s Commission on Children, Youth, and Family Services and other committees and task forces. Flip and his talented wife Susan have a passion for kids and have helped raise more than twenty children. They reside in College Station, Texas.


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