
Business Posts

Is It Possible?

Is It Possible?

By Rohan Paul

12 years ago




You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

I am what I am.

Once a ______, always a _______.

Is it really possible to change?

Being in the leadership development industry, it’s a question I often get asked.  It’s a question I’ve been personally fascinated with…is change really possible?

Here’s what I’ve found over the years: the easiest thing to change about ourselves is our behavior.  You can measure behavior and you can change behavior.  That’s an incredibly empowering position to take—I can choose how I behave.

Which means you can learn to be a better leader, listener, teacher, spouse, parent, coach, boss, performer, mentor, delegator, and the list goes on.

It’s why I love what we do at the Flippen Group.  We have tools and processes that help you pinpoint what needs to change, and then help you develop a plan with accountability to change.

So take an area of your life that you have been trying to change and try to list out the behaviors  that you need to execute in order to make that change happen.  Don’t forget to get someone you trust to give you honest feedback on how you’re doing.

Rohan Paul

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