
Thought Leadership

Flippen Blog

286 Campuses Recognized as 2019-2020 Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools

The Flippen Group is honored to recognize 286 campuses have received the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools award for the 2019-2020 school year. We celebrate campuses that go above and beyond in building a safe and welcoming environment where students are relationally connected and eager to learn by annually selecting Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools.  Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School awardees are evaluated […]

4 years ago


Virtual Consulting and Training

Educators today are facing constant change and complexity – charged not only with motivating and encouraging each other, but also redesigning an infrastructure to serve students. The Flippen Group is prepared to serve you and your team with relevant virtual solutions that meet your current needs for sustaining culture and relationships whether your campus is […]

5 years ago


285 Campuses Nominated for 2019-2020 Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools Award

Over the last 30 years, Flippen Group has brought Capturing Kids’ Hearts tools and processes to thousands of campuses nationwide, teaching culture-building behaviors that transform classrooms into high-achieving centers of learning where kids want to be. Educators face an ever-growing challenge of creating safe and culturally responsive learning environments while encountering a myriad of outside pressures. The demand to […]

5 years ago



Self-reflection = strong connections

“In my opinion, Capturing Kids Hearts has changed the culture of how we do business. We are very kid-focused, very focused on all kids’ success, very focused on our staff working with kids and adults in a very positive manner,” Pickard said. “It is why Kentwood works from a team perspective.”

5 years ago



Splendora ISD Using Kindness and Compassion to Improve Grades

Splendora ISD is making a difference in the lives of their students by building relationships that start early. Campuses in the district are being transformed by Capturing Kids’ Hearts implementation; after one year of the program at Peach Creek Elementary, referrals dropped by 50%.

5 years ago



[Forbes] The most effective leaders are vulnerable — are you?

As leaders, we rarely admit our fears. We’re concerned about what people will think. We struggle with our doubts alone: Do I have what it takes? What should I do about this? Who can I safely ask for help? Research shows that we all long for leaders with the courage to be vulnerable, to admit […]

5 years ago



“Teamalytics” is the New Name of Flippen Group Corporate Services

Flippen Group Corporate Services has rebranded as “Teamalytics” to better convey their expertise: using analytics and coaching to remove the obstacles holding teams back so they can have fun, hit goals, and earn more. Over the last 29 years, the Flippen Group has analyzed behavioral data from more than 500,000 people and consulted with 1000’s […]

5 years ago



Self-awareness — Giving it to those who need it most :-)

Have you ever been seated in an airplane aisle seat and gotten whacked by someone’s backpack as they move by you? We have too. Some passengers realize what happened and quickly apologize, trying to be more careful as they keep going. Other are totally unaware of what they did and keep on whacking passengers as […]

5 years ago



Flippen Group Honors 202 Campuses and Two Districts with their Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Awards for 2018-2019

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced remarkable outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Now, through the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools and Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School District awards, the Flippen Group is recognizing and celebrating schools and districts that go the extra mile each day, building […]

6 years ago



[Gallup] The employee engagement factor eating your lunch

Okay, class — time for a pop quiz! First question: What is the number one, top-of-the-heap, grand prize-winning factor that determines how engaged your employees are? Take a moment and write down your answer… You probably don’t need to be reminded of the importance of having an engaged workforce. Employee engagement not only affects retention, […]

6 years ago



Over 5800 Students Attend LeadWorthy Live Dallas

On March 6, 2019, more than 5,800 high school student leaders from 30 school districts and 90 campuses gathered in The Theatre at Grand Prairie for LeadWorthy Live – an initiative bringing leaders, students, and educators to a stadium-sized classroom to learn, be inspired and challenged to #BeRemarkable!   Keynote speaker and founder Flip Flippen joined with other special […]

6 years ago



[HBR] How to work with annoying people (and get results!)

Some of the people you work with annoy you, don’t they? At least one person. At least sometimes. Right? So what are you doing about them? Maybe you’re hoping those annoying colleagues will change. Sadly, real-life examples of annoying people becoming un-annoying are about as scarce as grass around a hog trough. Maybe you’re trying […]

6 years ago



226 Campuses Nominated For Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools Award

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced amazing outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Through the National Showcase Schools awards, the Flippen Group is again recognizing and celebrating schools that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students are relationally connected and eager to learn. […]

6 years ago



[Gallup] The ONE skill your team most wishes you had…

The team you’re leading has changed whether you know it or not. Are you changing? If not, you probably haven’t learned the ONE skill that Gallup calls, “The No. 1 quality that makes a manager great.” This is the ONE quality or skill your team most wishes you had. Do you have it? You are […]

6 years ago



[HBR] Some of your behaviors are derailing your career

We’ve all known executives who have derailed or blown-up their careers by the way they behaved. (Jeff Skilling or Martha Stewart come to mind as extreme cases.) But, have you ever asked yourself if you are vulnerable to a similar fate? Many leaders end up in a ditch despite having received numerous opportunities along the […]

6 years ago



Why you keep reverting to command-and-control style managing

Does your leadership style drive your team to achieve business results AND encourage them to contribute and evolve their individual talents? How would your team respond to this question about you? You probably already believe that developing an “outcome-based culture” is better than relying on the old “command-and-control” management style, if the goal is maximizing […]

6 years ago



Students From Over 33 School Districts Attend LeadWorthy Live in Houston

  On November 7, 2018, more than 4,600 high school student leaders from over 33 school districts and 89 campuses gathered inside the Berry Center in Cypress, TX for LeadWorthy Live – an initiative bringing leaders, students and educators to a stadium-sized classroom to learn, be inspired and challenged to #BeRemarkable! Keynote speaker and event […]

6 years ago



Why your team sees you MUCH differently than you see yourself.

Do you know how important accurate self-awareness is to your executive career? A recent Cornell University study of senior executives at companies with revenues from $50 million to $5 billion concluded that, “A high self-awareness score was the strongest predictor of overall success.” Self-awareness can be the difference between growing revenue and profitability — or […]

6 years ago



[CHIEF EXECUTIVE] How Accenture grew 20% using neuroscience

You’ve probably heard the average person uses only 10% of their brain. It’s an intriguing and promising idea. It’s also a myth. 🙂 Modern science has demonstrated that most of our brain is being used most of the time. As the field of neuroscience continues advancing, we’re also learning more about the relationship between the […]

6 years ago



Does your team WANT to work for you?

Does your team WANT to work for you? Or do they fear you and secretly dislike your leadership? A recent Harvard Business Review (HBR) article suggests that leaders with organizational power can “become overly obsessed with outcomes and control, and, therefore, treat their employees as means to an end.” Picture the managers described in this […]

6 years ago



[HBR] How many of your HiPo’s are about to leave you?

How many key High-Potentials on your team are about to leave? Do you know? Or just think you know? Even if they’re not leaving physically, how many have disengaged and left the proverbial building mentally? According to Gallup, employee disengagement represents “a stunning amount of wasted potential, given that business units in the top quartile […]

6 years ago



[HBR] Your exec coach may be working with you on the wrong things.

If you’re a CEO, you’re probably not working with an executive coach on your leadership skills but wish you were, according to a Stanford University survey reported in Harvard Business Review (HBR). “Two-thirds of CEOs don’t receive any outside advice on their leadership skills, and yet almost all would be receptive to suggestions from a […]

6 years ago



[APA] You’re probably over-stressing your team and don’t even realize it.

As a senior leader, what if you could personally improve the productivity of 40% or more of your workforce…would you do it? You probably can! Because as a senior leader, you’re probably over-stressing your team and don’t even realize it. According to the annual stress surveys published by the American Psychological Association, stress has become […]

6 years ago



[Chief Executive] Why your team is bored in meetings (and how to fix it)

Ever wonder why your team seems bored during your meetings? Or why they check their creativity and passion at the door when they enter your virtual or physical conference room? Here’s the likely answer. Senior leaders still do most of the talking during meetings. And you probably do, too. According to Stanford Business Professor Lindred […]

6 years ago



[Gallup] What a manager mis-hire REALLY costs you (and how to avoid it)

What would you do if you had a business process that was failing 82% of the time? And what if this failing process was costing your company buckets of money? According to the Gallup Business Journal, this is most likely what’s happening in your business when it comes to hiring managers. Gallup analytics have determined […]

6 years ago



[HBR] Helping the behavioral “opposites” on your team win…

In your company, do opposites attract, attack…or avoid each other? There are numerous examples of successful partnerships built on shared passions and skills. Bill Gates and Paul Allen were both enamored with computers and had a shared entrepreneurial spirit. Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield were high school friends who both loved food and especially ice […]

6 years ago



[Bain & Co.] If private equity came knocking, which execs make the cut?

If private equity partners came knocking at your door looking for a portfolio company, would your current leadership team make the cut? PE firms are all about accelerating growth and company valuation as quickly as possible. So are you. But in an increasingly competitive environment, are you prioritizing the leadership behaviors PE firms know accelerate […]

6 years ago



[HBR] How behavioral analytics grew sales by $200M in just one year…

How much does your sales team benefit from feedback? We don’t mean, “How often do they get feedback?” We’re asking, “Do they get feedback in a way that actually increases sales?” Harvard Business Review (HBR) recently reported that busy sales managers are prone to giving curt feedback to their teams and primarily focusing on intention […]

6 years ago



Flippen Group Honors 123 Campuses and Two Districts with their Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Awards for 2017-2018

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced remarkable outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts®  tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Now, through the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools™ and Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School District™ awards, the Flippen Group is recognizing and celebrating schools and districts that go the extra mile each day, […]

7 years ago



[McKinsey] Are you an inspiring leader? You may be surprised…

Do you believe you’re an inspiring leader? If you answered ‘yes,’ you’re not alone. Data compiled from McKinsey Organizational Health Index indicated about 77% of upper management perceive themselves as inspiring. But most employees don’t agree with their leaders. A new survey published by Forbes Magazine found that 65% of employees would rather see their […]

7 years ago



Flip Flippen Inspires Student Leaders at LeadWorthy Live Event

More than 2,250 student leaders gathered for the second Leadworthy Live event to learn we all have a story to write – and the importance of making it a good one. On March 7, 2018, New York Times best-selling author, Flip Flippen, joined with other special guests to charge these young leaders to live remarkable […]

7 years ago



[McKinsey] How Steve Jobs became less of a jerk-leader

Would it surprise you to know that the widespread belief that Steve Jobs succeeded (in part) because he was overbearing, temperamental, and insensitive — is a myth?! More importantly, how has this myth shaped YOUR view of what successful executive leadership looks like? While it’s true that Jobs earned a reputation for his abusive behavior […]

7 years ago



Google reveals THE defining characteristic of successful teams

What would you give to learn team leadership from one of the most prolific companies in the world (Google)? The tech giant completed a massive two-year study on team performance and revealed THE defining characteristic of successful teams. Paul Santagata, head of industry at Google, described this defining characteristic: “In Google’s fast-paced, highly demanding environment, […]

7 years ago



Surprising insight into performance reviews

It’s annual performance review season! (Groans from around the room…) Many team leaders hate giving negative feedback to their team members. Thus, they hate annual performance reviews. Negative feedback is no fun for either party. (No surprises there!) But, did you know that more than a THIRD of managers also AVOID giving positive feedback?! A […]

7 years ago



Budget 2018: How to push your team harder (and have them love it!)

It’s budget-building time and we’re probably all thinking the same thing. How can I get even more out of my team in 2018? Have you ever wondered just how hard you could push a team without stressing them to the breaking point? An article by Karen Firestone in the May edition of the Harvard Business Review, called “How Leaders Can Push Employees Without Stressing Them Out,” suggests five best practices for driving your team hard WITHOUT sacrificing morale and engagement:

7 years ago



Google cracks the code: the #1 attribute of successful teams

Have you ever wondered how to build teams that crush their goals? Google has cracked the code. An article by Michael Schneider in the July 2017 edition of Inc. magazine baits us: “Google Spent 2 Years Studying 180 Teams. The Most Successful Ones Shared These 5 Traits.” By way of background: Google researchers wanted to […]

7 years ago



Hurricane Recovery, An Ultra-Marathon

Like you, I witnessed the recent devastation of Hurricane Harvey along the Gulf Coast and of Hurricane Irma in Florida. My thoughts go back to my experience as Chief of the US Army Corps of Engineers in the recovery effort after Hurricane Katrina. That recovery was a multi-year marathon that took incredible teamwork, perseverance, resources, and people helping people.

7 years ago

Education, Business,


Strength in the Wake of Hurricane Harvey

Recently, we witnessed one of the worst national disasters to hit the Gulf Coast of Texas. Because I live in Texas, and because our family and staff are so close to so many of the victims, it has become very personal to us. Now that the torrential rains have stopped, the rescues are slowing down, lives aren’t being lost, people are finding homes and trying to rebuild, I wanted to share some thoughts.

7 years ago



HBR highlights 4 behaviors of winning execs

An article in the May-June 2017 edition of the Harvard Business Review, “What Sets Successful CEOs Apart,” confirms the Flippen Group’s findings in working with executive leaders of some of the world’s largest and most respected firms over the last two decades.

7 years ago



53 Campuses Named Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced remarkable outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Now, through the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools awards, the Flippen Group is recognizing and celebrating schools that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students are relationally connected […]

8 years ago



Durham Public Schools Use Capturing Kids’ Hearts To Improve Performance

Durham Public School administrators recently had good news to share with their board of education. Last fall, they implemented the Flippen Group’s Capturing Kids’ HeartsⓇ process at 12 elementary and middle schools, and are already reporting increased attendance rates, improvements in math and reading scores, and a 28 percent decrease in short-term suspensions. Principal Christy Boykin reported that while about 75 families left W.G. Pearson Elementary last year over concerns about behavior and attendance, this year over 120 have made this school their first choice in a recent magnet school lottery.

8 years ago


57 Campuses Nominated for Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools™ Award

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced amazing outcomes with Capturing Kids’ HeartsⓇ tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Through the National Showcase Schools awards, Flippen Group is again recognizing and celebrating schools that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students are relationally connected and eager to learn. These 57 campuses are being considered for this honor for the 2016-2017 school year.

8 years ago



57 Campuses Nominated for Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools™ Award

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced amazing outcomes with Capturing Kids’ HeartsⓇ tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Through the National Showcase Schools awards, Flippen Group is again recognizing and celebrating schools that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students are relationally connected and eager to learn. These 57 campuses are being considered for this honor for the 2016-2017 school year.

8 years ago


The Best Gift of All

During this season, maybe the best gift you can give those closest to you is affirming words straight from your heart. Your friends, family, and colleagues would love to know that you appreciate them – especially this time of year! We have had a great year, and the main reason for that is you. We […]

8 years ago

Education, Business,


Happy Thanksgiving from the Flippen Group

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Flip Flippen! I’m the New York Times best-selling author of The Flip Side, and I’m a philanthropist, an entrepreneur, and I’m also a cowboy. I love history, and that’s what makes me think about today […]

8 years ago

Education, Business,


Thunderbolt Middle School is Honored to Host Flippen Group Founder

Thunderbolt Middle School, in Arizona’s Lake Havasu Unified School District, recently received a visit from Flippen Group founder, Flip Flippen. This Founder’s Visit was part of the award and recognition the school received for their accomplishment at being named a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School for 2015-2016. Principal Mari Jo Mulligan expressed appreciation for […]

8 years ago


Two Alaska Schools Visited by Flippen Group Founder: Flip Flippen

Flip Flippen recently made a trek to Alaska to congratulate students, teachers, administrators, and staff on being named a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School for 2015-2016. He was joined by Mat-Su Borough School District (MSBSD) Superintendent Gene Stone and Vern Hazard from the Flippen Group for these ‘Founder’s Visits’ to Sherrod Elementary School and […]

8 years ago


Google’s Research on Collaboration And Your Team’s Productivity

For decades, companies have been spending time and money on “employee performance optimization” efforts. The emphasis has been on identifying the unique traits of high-producing employees and replicating them in others. But a recent New York Times article by Charles Duhigg, “What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team,” shed light on […]

8 years ago



2015-2016 Simmons-Leone Scholarship Recipients Announced

If you’ve ever wondered how big a difference one teacher can make, then consider the story of Stanley Leone and his high school teacher, Monda Simmons. When Stanley first met Monda, he was a seventeen-year-old whose life had been filled with pain, poverty, violence, crime, abuse, and homelessness. His impossible home life and lack of […]

8 years ago



Promises and Unity At Johnson Elementary With Flip Flippen

Flip Flippen loves kids and it’s evident in his recent visit to Johnson Elementary in Bryan, Texas. Johnson was one of eleven schools nationwide that was awarded the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School™ award for 2015-2016. In this video, Flip asks a few questions about the classroom Social Contract and learns what ‘promise’ and […]

8 years ago



For Too Many Students, School Is The One Place They Receive Love

“Students who are loved at home come to school to learn. Students who aren’t…come to school to be loved.” This quote by Nicholas A. Ferroni is all too descriptive of many schools. It underscores perhaps the primary issue facing educators today AND reveals the elusive explanation for why struggling schools often find it nearly impossible […]

8 years ago



Vernon Elementary Teacher Captures Kids’ Hearts

Teachers face many challenges. They must raise the bar on student performance, all while competing against social, environmental, and outside pressures. A teacher cannot control what comes into their classrooms, so how do they create high-achieving students? They must capture their hearts. And at Royse City ISD teachers have been doing that since 2004.

8 years ago


Dr. Chris White Promoted to Chief Science Officer of the Flippen Group

The Flippen Group is pleased to announce that Dr. Chris White has been promoted to the position of chief science officer. With a master’s degree in economics, a Ph.D. in statistics, and a “statistically above-average” dose of humor, Dr. White exemplifies the perfect marriage of science and art that is so essential to effective content […]

8 years ago


Babcock Ranch - World's First Solar City

Flippen Group Clients Build First U.S. Solar City

Something completely new is happening in Florida this year, thanks to the foresight of three Flippen Group clients. Kitson & Partners, Florida Power & Light, and M3 Capital Partners have teamed up to build our nation’s first-ever solar-powered city. The planned development will eventually be home to approximately 50,000 residents. And at Flippen Group, our […]

8 years ago


Camp Verde Middle School

Camp Verde Middle School Recognized as National Showcase School

The Flippen Group, originators of the Capturing Kids’ Hearts program, has recognized Camp Verde Middle School as a National Showcase School. According to a statement from The Flippen Group, Camp Verde Middle School has transformed “into an emotionally safe and relationally connected place for students, staff, and parents to come alive with a love for learning.”

8 years ago


Get The Feedback Itch

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, director of coaching and assessment at the Flippen Group, and I have a question for you. Have you ever had tension with someone? If so, there’s an itch you should have gotten, […]

8 years ago

Education, Business,


R.B. Stall High School

North Charleston School Selected for School Culture Award

Five years ago, R.B. Stall High School began an initiative to transform the campus into an emotionally safe and relationally connected place for students, staff, and parents to come alive with a love for learning. Stall leaders chose to partner with the Flippen Group to bring Capturing Kids’ Hearts to its campus. Through the program, teachers and staff learned processes to increase students’ connectedness with both peers and adults on campus. They also learned how to create a classroom environment where students are more excited to enter and learn every day.

8 years ago


Thunderbolt One of 11 Showcase Schools

In December 2015, Thunderbolt Middle School was informed it had been nominated for the Capturing Kids’ Hearts Showcase Schools Award for the 2015-2016 school year by the Flippen Group.

8 years ago


Wasilla High Recognized as Model of Student Success

Three years ago, Wasilla High School adopted a program called Capturing Kids’ Hearts (CKH) of the Flippen Group, which equips all teachers and staff with the proper skills to go out of their way with the mission to create positive relationships with their students and improve lives. On April 7, WHS discovered that they had gone beyond and were selected as one of the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools.

9 years ago


11 Campuses Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced remarkable outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Now, through the Showcase Schools awards, Flippen Group is recognizing and celebrating schools that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students are relationally connected and eager to learn.

9 years ago



Flip Flippen Named 2016 Friend of Education by Sam Houston State University

Flippen Group founder and chairman, Flip Flippen, was named the 2016 Friend of Education by the Sam Houston State University College of Education at a black-tie event on March 11th, 2016, in Huntsville, Texas. Beginning in 2005, the annual event recognizes four selected alumni as Distinguished Educators and a single recipient for the Friend of […]

9 years ago


How Smart Leaders Start Difficult Conversations

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. We’re launching this blog in April, so in honor of April Fools’ Day, let’s talk about some “Fool-ish” ways to start a tough conversation. All fooling aside. If you’ve been a leader for at least 10 minutes, […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,



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9 years ago


R.L. VanAntwerp 2016 Golden Eagle Award Recipient

R.L. “Van” VanAntwerp, Jr., LTG (Ret.) was awarded the prestigious 2016 Golden Eagle Award for outstanding contributions to the engineering profession on March 10, 2016, in Alexandria, Virginia. The Golden Eagle has been presented annually since 1996 at the Golden Eagle Awards Dinner by the Society of American Military Engineers. VanAntwerp, Jr. retired from the […]

9 years ago


The New Year’s Resolution That Every Leader Should Have

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. I’m Dr. Chris White, New York Times best-selling author and Ph.D. statistician. In a minute, I’m going to tell you the new year’s resolution that every leader needs to make, including you. But first, as we think […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


Whose Fault Is It When You Don’t Receive Critical Feedback?

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Flip Flippen, New York Times best-selling author, Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year, and serial social entrepreneur. So, whose fault is it when you’re not receiving feedback, especially as a senior exec? Let me tell […]

9 years ago



R.L. VanAntwerp Gold de Fleury Medal Recipient

General VanAntwerp was awarded the prestigious 2015 Gold de Fleury Medal by the US Army Engineer Regiment. General VanAntwerp was appointed chief of infrastructure and executive development for the Flippen Group in July 2011. In addition to serving clients as a senior consultant, he leads the infrastructure group. This group works with other organizations to develop teams and acquire resources needed to rebuild roads, waterways, schools, and utilities critical to improving the fabric of society.

9 years ago


2 Secrets From My Favorite Holiday Movies

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Flip Flippen, author of the New York Times best seller, The Flip Side. There are two films that I’ve gotten great lessons from, and I want to tell you the two lessons that I’ve learned. […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


Taft High School Named A 2015-2016 Capturing Kids’ Hearts Showcase Schools Nominee

Taft High School, located in South Texas, has been recognized as a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools nominee for 2015-2016. Students describe the school environment as a trusted ‘second family’ following implementation of the Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes – a move that has positively impacted students, staff, and parents. See the full story here. Congratulations […]

9 years ago



Thunderbolt Middle School Named A 2015-2016 Capturing Kids’ Hearts® Showcase Schools Nominee

Thunderbolt Middle School, in Arizona’s Lake Havasu Unified School District, was recently recognized as a Capturing Kids’ Hearts Showcase Schools nominee for 2015-2016. Read the full article here. Thunderbolt began their initiative 5 years ago, transforming the campus into an emotionally safe and relationally connected place for students, staff, and parents. As a result of […]

9 years ago



Hudson Energy Vice President Chris Duzich On The Flippen Group

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi there, leaders! My name is General Robert Van Antwerp, a retired three-star general from the US Army. Today I want to share with you a message by Christopher Duzich, senior vice president of Hudson Energy, on […]

9 years ago



The Ultimate Measure of a Leader

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. I’m Lee Bason, coach to Fortune 500 executives for 20 years, and I want to talk about the least important person in your organization and mine. You know, I think the ultimate measure of a leader may […]

9 years ago



From Gangster to Scholar: How A Teacher Transformed My Life

At age 13, Stanley Leone was a hardcore gun-wielding veteran of violence, drugs, and incarcerations. By high school, he was a fearless gang leader, drug dealer, and street thug charged with felony assault. Stanley said, “I remember the police came to my school, handcuffed me, and took me to jail. Beneath my bad-boy talk, I was […]

9 years ago



3 Reasons Coaching Doesn’t Work…And I’m A Coach!

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Chris White, a New York Times bestselling author and a Ph.D. statistician. Today, we’re talking about three reasons coaching doesn’t work. If I’m talking about three reasons coaching doesn’t work, I guess I should clarify […]

9 years ago



Capturing Kids’ Hearts Showcase Schools Nominees

Creating high-performing classrooms is no easy task. The typical classroom is comprised of twenty or more students with diverse family backgrounds and expectations for behavior, randomly assembled into a cohort, and required to learn together. Too often, the impact of peer pressure and outside influences create a classroom culture that passively or even actively resists […]

9 years ago



When You Should Be Defensive During Feedback (Don’t Miss The Pie Chart!)

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. If you don’t want to miss the pie chart, watch the video! I’m Chris White, New York Times bestselling author and a Ph.D. statistician. Today, we’re talking about when it’s okay to be defensive. More and more research […]

9 years ago



Why Overcoming Personal Constraints is the Key to Success

Why do certain people reach higher and higher levels, while others struggle or just plug along at a lesser level of achievement? We decided to study as many highly successful people as we could to discover the differences: top performers on Wall Street and leaders in manufacturing, retail, and the military. We looked at top […]

9 years ago



6 Things That Should Never Go Together and 2 Surprising Things That Should

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, best-selling co-author of The Flip Side and a Ph.D. statistician. Here are 6 Things That Should Never Go Together and 2 Surprising Things That Should. Well, the first two things that should […]

9 years ago



The Connection Equation

If you would prefer to read this video instead of watch it, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m General Van. I’m a retired three-star general with 39 years in the Army. My last job in the Army was as the Army Chief of Engineers. I want to talk to you today about connecting. Let’s think […]

9 years ago



What’s More Important – Team or Mission?

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. As a leader, you place a high value on both your team and your mission, but can you tell me which is more important? Hi there, leaders! My name is General Robert VanAntwerp, a retired three-star general […]

9 years ago



Flip Flippen Joins Board of Advisors for The Drucker Institute

Flip Flippen, founder and chairman of Flippen Group, has joined the Board of Advisors for The Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California. The Drucker Institute is a social enterprise with a mission to “strengthen organizations to strengthen society.” About six months after Peter Drucker’s passing in late 2005, over 100 leaders gathered […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


Two Acronyms Every Leader Needs to Know and Do

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. I experienced 39 years in the military, and every day we used a ton of acronyms. You probably use them in your organizations, too. As if that isn’t enough, I made up two additional acronyms that every leader needs […]

9 years ago



What Should I Have Done Differently?

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. How would you respond if the President of the United States looked straight into your eyes and asked, “What should I have done differently?” Hi there, leaders! My name is General Robert Van Antwerp, a retired three-star […]

9 years ago



R.L. VanAntwerp Gold de Fleury Medal Recipient

  R.L. “Van” VanAntwerp, Jr., LTG (R) was awarded the prestigious 2015 Gold de Fleury Medal by the U.S. Army Engineer Regiment. As the highest honor given by the regiment, the Gold de Fleury medal is named after François de Fleury, a French engineer who served the Continental Army during the American Revolution, and who […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


How To Start Things Right Every Time

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. I bet you’ve heard a lot of advice as a leader on how to finish strong, but have you ever learned how to get things started right? Hi there, leaders! My name is General Robert VanAntwerp, a […]

9 years ago



4 Types of Feedback and How To Filter Them

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. As a leader, one thing is quite unavoidable: people giving us feedback. It can be positive feedback. If so, pinch yourself!  Or it can be so-called “constructive criticism.” It’s also why a simple, yet powerful tool called “The […]

9 years ago



I Gave Feedback to Your Boss…Oh! You’re Welcome!

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. We gave a little feedback to your boss…Oh! You’re welcome! Hi there, leaders. My name is General Robert Van Antwerp, a retired three-star general from the Army. Today I want to share with you a talk by […]

9 years ago



3 Foolish Ways & 3 Clever Ways to Start a Feedback Conversation

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. It’s one of the most powerful conversations you can have with a team mate to improve performance, and yet you can often start it off poorly. Do you know what it is? Hi there, leaders! My name […]

9 years ago



3 High-Value Activities Each Leader Should Master

I have a confession to make; it’s a simple one with profound implications. I have wasted a lot of time in my life on low-value activities. I didn’t intend to waste it, but you and I both know that it’s all too easy to do. Hi there, leaders! I’m Dr. Debbie Emery, Leadership Process Executive […]

9 years ago



From Gangster to Scholar: How A Teacher Transformed My Life

At age 13, Stanley Leone was a hardcore gun-wielding veteran of violence, drugs, and incarcerations. By high school, he was a fearless gang leader, drug dealer, and street thug charged with felony assault. Stanley said, “I remember the police came to my school, handcuffed me, and took me to jail. Beneath my bad-boy talk, I was […]

9 years ago



6 Things That Go Together and 2 Surprising Things That Should

Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, best-selling co-author of The Flip Side and a PhD Statistician. Here are 5 Things That Should Never Go Together and 2 Surprising Things That Should. The first 2 things that should NEVER go together are…Donuts and Seafood. This is not photoshop–I took this picture myself in a small town in […]

10 years ago



The 4 Types of Feedback and How to Filter Them

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:24 Inaccurate and Accurate Feedback 00:58 Accurate, BUT Poorly Said or Well Said Feedback 02:10 Inaccurate, BUT Poorly Said or Well Said Feedback 02:58 What’s the Best Response to Feedback Here? 04:02 #1 Dumb Thing Even Smart Leaders Do Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, NY Times best-selling co-author of The Flip Side and […]

10 years ago



8 Huge No-No’s When Apologizing

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:24 “But… Apology” 00:47 “I-Blame-You Apology” 01:05 “Conditional Apology” 01:27 “2-Worder Apology” 01:41 “Victim Apology” 02:02 “If Apology” 02:28 “Evaporating Apology” 02:43 “Interruption Apology” 03:15 #1 Dumb Thing Even Smart Leaders Do Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, NY Times best-selling co-author of The Flip Side and a PhD Statistician. Here are 8 HUGE […]

10 years ago



The Bigness of Little Things

In this video: (0:45) Pigtails & Penny Loafers (3:15) Summer Vacation (7:15) Big Impacts with Little Things Can you run a marathon? Maybe at one point in my life I could have, but not anymore. There’s no way! Well, what if I said that you could split up that distance and run it over a […]

10 years ago



3 Foolish Ways & 3 Clever Ways to Start a Feedback Conversation

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:21 Foolish Way #1 00:35 Foolish Way #2 01:37 Foolish Way #3 01:55 Clever Way #1 02:54 Clever Way #2 03:42 Clever Way #4 04:26 #1 Dumb Thing Even Smart Leaders Do Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, best-selling co-author of The Flip Side and a PhD Statistician. Here are 3 Foolish Ways […]

10 years ago



How To Lighten Your Leadership Load

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:19 Those With The Least Constraints…WIN! 00:38 Thousands Of Success Stories Prove The Secret To Winning 01:16 It’s Not The Lowest, It’s The Least 02:18 The Meaning Of Personal Growth 03:23 How To Lighten Your Leadership Load Today In my previous videos, we discussed the first four laws in the Five Laws of Personal Constraints. If […]

10 years ago



What Personal Constraints Are Critically Impacting Your Role?

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:16 Personal Constraints Are Role Specific 00:40 Why You Don’t Want Me To Be Your Accountant 01:05 When Behaviors Become Constraints 02:42 How To Create A Plan to Overcome What’s Holding You Back In my previous videos, we discussed the first three laws in the Five Laws of Personal Constraints. If you haven’t watched them yet, […]

10 years ago



Why You Shouldn’t Focus On The Positive And Forget The Negative

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:23 Wherever You Go, There You Are 00:56 Why Don’t We Just Focus On The Positive And Forget The Negatives? 01:54 What If You Were Really Good At Throwing A Baseball? 03:06 You Don’t Want The Fewest Constraints, You Want The Least Impacting 04:03 A Special Invitation For Leaders In my previous videos […]

10 years ago



4 Groups of Executives — Only 1 Is Consistently Effective

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:23 How Hunters Catch Monkeys In Africa 01:12 Many Of Us Can’t Or Won’t Address What’s Keeping Us Stuck 01:50 Think About This Question… 2:06 The 4 Groups of Executives 2:33 The Good News About Moving Into The Right Group In my last video, we discussed the first law in the Five Laws […]

10 years ago



Connecting Brain Science and Socio-Emotional Safety to Impact Academic Achievement

Have you ever had a student in your school who struggled with learning? I’ve been there. Many teachers’ reaction is to tell them to just “study harder”. But you and I both know there’s more to it than a lack of effort.

Hi there, Education Heroes! I’m Dr. Debbie Emery, Leadership Process Executive at The Flippen Group, and today I want to share with you a talk by our founder, Flip Flippen. Flip is a psychotherapist and New York Times best-selling author, and in this talk with educators he explains how the brain is affected by stress and how that influences learning. Enjoy this talk, and I’ll be back in a few minutes!

10 years ago



3 Types of Invisible Things You Do To Hinder Your Performance

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:02 An Unforgettable Outing With My Boys 01:08 One Balloon That Simply Can’t Get Off The Ground 01:53 I Know What It’s Like To Be That Balloon 02:46 Why You And I Can Feel Tied Down 03:39 The One Question You Need to Answer 04:14 How Talented And Capable People Are Short-Circuiting Their Success 05:38 Having […]

10 years ago



The ONE Thing You Lose When You Step Into The C-Suite

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:12 The One Thing You Lose 00:48 What Everyone Wants To Tell You 00:58 The Problem 01:06 A Quick Story About Feedback 02:38 Why Finding Out Where You’re Really Stuck Matters 03:03 How to Find Out The Truth 03:34 An Exclusive Invitation for Leaders When you make it into a leadership role, […]

10 years ago



The Key to Safe Schools: Relational Capacity

In virtually every community of our country as well as places abroad people have been horrified by school shootings in recent decades. Questions are asked to which there are seemingly no rational answers for such senseless acts of violence. No complete answer exists to explain it or stop the shootings, bullying, and acts of violence. Nothing […]

10 years ago



What Students Really Want Their Schools To Be Like

Have you ever wondered what today’s middle and high school students really want their schools to be like on the inside? This video, produced by middle school and high school students in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, says it all and the truth may surprise you… We want to affirm and congratulate Mari Jo Mulligan, the principal of Thunderbolt Middle School […]

10 years ago



What An Unemployed Army Officer and Doctor Taught Me About Dominance

I hate to admit I need any medications, but when I do, I know one thing—take the right dose! The dominance trait in leaders, as with most behaviors, is the same way. We don’t want a passive, tentative person leading our organization. We also don’t want an overwhelming tornado in charge. For our discussion, dominance […]

10 years ago



Principal Cites Capturing Kids’ Hearts Processes As The Behavioral Standard for Alaskan Leadership

Amy Spargo, Principal of Wasilla High School, cited Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes as the behavioral standard for Alaskan leadership in an Alaska Dispatch News article this week. Ms. Spargo has been a principal in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District for 13 years. Read the full article HERE. Congratulations to Amy Spargo and the entire team at Wasilla […]

10 years ago



Colt McCoy Featured In The Washington Post

Colt McCoy, Washington Redskins quarterback, and a long time friend and coaching client of the Flippen Group, was featured in the Washington Post this week. Congratulations, Colt! Full article here:  

10 years ago



Oatville Elementary School, Named A 2014 Exemplary High Performing School, Credits Capturing Kids’ Hearts

Oatville Elementary School, one of six elementary schools in Haysville Unifed School District in Kansas, was recently recognized as an Exemplary High Performing School for 2014 by The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program. Read the full article HERE. Capturing Kids’ Hearts was one of two programs credited for a dramatic reduction in disciplinary interventions and improvement in academic achievement at Oatville […]

10 years ago



The Teachable Heart

I recently asked a group of school superintendents what they felt contributed to a person having a teachable heart. It seemed like a good question, since they are in the education business. What makes someone “teachable”? Of course, another word that works equally well is “coachable”. Pride is the enemy of a teachable heart. You […]

10 years ago



How Do We Motivate Kids These Days?

We are  asked by teachers and administrators, “How do we motivate kids these days?” The answer is RELATIONSHIPS! This is a simple answer, however, not easy to carry out unless you have a set of tools that work for you. Why do relationships increase motivation? When students feel connected to an appropriate adult at home […]

10 years ago



Those Who are Lost…Fall

Newtown, Connecticut was a symptom. So was Aurora, Colorado…and so was Columbine. I’ve spent much of my life working with troubled and hurting people. The first 16 years was with troubled and homeless kids, and gangs. We opened a free outpatient clinic to serve those with no access to mental health services. As the clinic […]

10 years ago



Flippen Profile Scale #1: Achievement Drive — What It Is and 4 Common Myths

I met with a client recently who was facing some team challenges such as projects consistently being late, people lacking initiative and meetings being inefficient.  When we looked at the full group’s Flippen 360 Profiles, it turned out they had a much higher than normal concentration of lower scores on our Flippen Profile’s Need for […]

10 years ago



How to Identify Your Constraints

Feedback Is Critical A while back I was packing to go out of town, and two of the boys were sitting on the ledge of the tub in our bathroom. They were giving me a hard time about what I was wearing, and I turned and looked in the mirror, commenting that I was sure […]

10 years ago



Why Clarity of Focus is the Key to Growth

We all have constraints that are potentially hurtful and sometimes dangerous. What about a parent who isn’t nurturing enough to his or her children? Or a parent who is too nurturing and continues to enable inappropriate behavior by not setting adequate boundaries? What about a boss or a spouse who is defensive and not open […]

11 years ago



The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law 5

If you missed the first four parts of this blog series, here are the links to read them: The 5Laws of Personal Constraints: Law One The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law Two The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law Three The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law Four Law Five: Those with the Fewest […]

11 years ago



The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law 4

If you missed the first three parts of this blog series, here are the links to read them: The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law One The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law Two The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law Three Law Four: Personal Constraints Are Role Specific I was born with dyscalcula, a […]

11 years ago



The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law 3

If you missed the first two parts of this blog series, here are the links to read them: The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law One The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law Two Law Three: Our Personal Constraints Play Themselves Out in Every Area of Our Lives There’s a reason why I encouraged Peter […]

11 years ago



The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law 2

If you missed the first part of this blog series, click here to read it. Law Two: You Can’t Rise Above Constraints That You Don’t or Won’t Address There is an old story about how hunters catch monkeys in Africa. They hollow out a coconut, making sure the hole is just large enough for a […]

11 years ago



The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law 1

Our company has had the privilege of working with some of the most outstanding leaders of business, sports, and education of our time. The information we gathered told the same story: in every field talented and capable people were short-circuiting their own success. But they were also finding that they could fulfill their potential once […]

11 years ago



What You Can Learn from Hot Air Balloons

A few years ago I took my boys Matthew and Micah on our annual guys’ outing: a grueling, six-day, backpacking trip in the mountains of Colorado. The morning after we arrived in Beaver Creek, we went to the ski area where we would begin our hike. We put on our packs and began to head […]

11 years ago



How Personal Constraints Set Your Limits

How do personal constraints determine success? Simple. They set the limits for where you can ultimately go, no matter how gifted or talented you are. Your personal constraints—your conscious and unconscious limiting behaviors—hold you back and determine your ultimate level of success. Most of us know at least one person in life who possesses great […]

11 years ago



What Richie Incognito Can Teach Us About Stopping Bullying

You may have read about Richie Incognito’s story in the media.  He agreed to a paid suspension that ends his NFL season and the Dolphins are effectively ending his career with them by not offering him a new contract next year. The news media has spent the last four weeks calling out the veteran offensive […]

11 years ago



Why Overcoming Personal Constraints is the Key to Success

  I have always been interested in what made some people successful while others just plugged along at a lesser level. Why does Tiger Woods continue to outperform other golfers? Why does Katie Couric continue moving up while others get fired? Why does Terry Bradshaw continue to be an anchor in broadcasting long after others […]

11 years ago



What You Can Learn from Case McCoy

I want to share a really inspiring video with you. But first, let me give you a little background on this incredible story. I’ve known Case McCoy almost all his life. This is his Senior year as the quarterback for the University of Texas Longhorns and he’s leading his team to the Alamo Bowl against […]

11 years ago



People Centered and Culture Driven

What makes a company, organization, or institution great?  What makes your teammates, clients, and everyone who knows you and knows about you to say you are definitely on that list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For?” The answer to both questions is simple to say but challenging to be: You need to be people centered […]

11 years ago



Enemies or Friends? — An Unlikely Alliance

A few weeks ago, our family visited the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas, Texas. I was struck by a letter on display from the late Senator Ted Kennedy to the newly elected President Bush. The letter, in part, stated: “…like you, I have every intention of getting things done, particularly in education and […]

11 years ago



3 Great Questions Leaders Ask

After over 40 years of observing great and not so great leaders in the military, in government, in corporations, in education, and in sports, I can see some common threads shared by the great ones. They genuinely care for those they lead; they serve more than they are served; they inspire and give energy more […]

11 years ago



On the Shoulders of Giants

In a letter to Robert Hooke, Sir Isaac Newton used this expression with respect to his own accomplishments: “If I have seen further, it is only because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.” This phrase in its earliest known form was attributed to Bernard of Chartres who would say that “we [the Moderns] […]

11 years ago




My apologies!  A while back, I wrote a blog titled It’s the Box Top that introduced the “Big 4 for Leaders”—things that all great leaders do extremely well.  Then I left you hanging by only talking about the first one!  In that blog, I spoke of visionary leaders and their ability to describe the jigsaw puzzle box top […]

11 years ago



Don’t Honk The Horn

I almost honked at the car in front of me this morning.  Again.  I was being impatient, but for good reason.  I made commitments and needed to get to work for a meeting.  I left the house with plenty of time, but I didn’t account for the person in front of me going so slow […]

11 years ago



No One Fights Alone

“No One Fights Alone” are the words on an unmistakably orange rubber bracelet I have been wearing for the last two months.  A co-worker’s dad is going through a health crisis and I am wearing the family-designed bracelet as a sign of support and to keep him and his family in the forefront of my […]

11 years ago



8 Life Lessons I Learned When Playing Under Arthur Ashe

When I was in The Military Academy at West Point for college, the Vietnam war was in full swing and many of America’s finest were being drafted.  One of those draftees was a man named Arthur Ashe, a legend in the tennis world and active player on the pro circuit.  Seems like he could have tried to […]

11 years ago



The Fine Art of Handling Corporate Terrorists…And Who To Blame

Far more often than you’d imagine, we discover that a competent president or CEO is struggling with “terrorism.”  Who is the usual terrorist?  A member of their own senior leadership team!!  Invariably, the terrorist is a seriously talented but heavily constrained leader.  In every case, this talented individual contributor is wreaking havoc with his/her boss […]

11 years ago



Four Easy Ways to Crush Innovation and How You Can Avoid Them

Before you skip over this because you aren’t a Chief Innovation Officer, answer this question: Is there anyone in your life that you’d rather not squelch their creativity and in fact would rather help it flourish?  If you answered yes, then whether you are a parent, teacher, executive, or coach, this is for you. Achieving […]

11 years ago



Are You an Accidental Diminisher?

While on vacation this summer I re-read Liz Wiseman’s bestselling book Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter.  Wiseman contrasts leaders who multiply those around them with leaders who diminish their teams.  Multipliers energize the people they work with and Wiseman’s research shows they multiply productivity by a factor of 2 as compared to […]

11 years ago



What Haiti Gave Me

As I rolled down the streets of Port-au-Prince in Haiti, the sights and smells caused me to wonder “How could this be”? Walls of people as far as you can see and destitution in every direction. People were selling and bartering whatever they could—I couldn’t help but notice one man selling a half-full Gatorade bottle. […]

11 years ago



3 Keys to Growing a Sustainable Company

The famous astronaut Neal Armstrong once said, “You only have two problems when going to the moon: first, how to get there; and second, how to get back.  The key is don’t leave until you have solved both.” Like you, I found myself smiling at the simplicity of this statement.  Armstrong took one of the […]

11 years ago



Are You Prepared?

On a recent business trip, I was talking to an owner of an organization about being prepared.  How much preparation is needed?  How damaging can it be when one is not prepared?  How much should be invested in preparation?  These were various questions being discussed and as the conversation came to a transitional point he […]

11 years ago



Major League Baseball’s Hidden Sixth Tool

I just finished partnering with several MLB organizations for the annual amateur draft and the process of assessing athletic talent never ceases to amaze me.  In baseball, you may have heard the term “five-tool player” used to describe the rare player that excels at all five of the major physical tools (Speed, Throwing, Fielding, Hiting […]

11 years ago



Conflict Myth #1: Conflict Resolution = Closure

What is true conflict resolution?  I encounter a lot of people who feel like conflict resolution involves sitting down with the other party and putting all of the facts on the table, expressing feelings, airing emotions and seeing if the other person can finally own their part. Wow, wouldn’t that be nice!  I literally laughed […]

11 years ago



What is your purpose?

Coaching an individual or an organization to its highest potential is a prevalent request in the world of leadership development.  There are four basic ingredients, each interdependent on the other: The sponsor The capable coach The motivated coachee (most importantly) The defined purpose towards which they are working The approach, time, and nature of the […]

11 years ago



What the NFL Taught Me About Performance Reviews

The idea of an annual performance review frightens me like it does many, but most likely for different reasons.  I am most afraid of the valuable time for improvement lost if critical feedback is withheld until the end of the year.  It is also frightening that we work roughly 2,000 hours a year and only […]

11 years ago



Leaders, Do You Have a Group or a Team?

The word team is greatly overused and misused.  Truth is, few groups of people are actually teams.  Most working groups reflexively call themselves teams because we use the word to describe people who are affiliated in what they do.  A true team, on the other hand, works together simultaneously, is interactive, is mutually dependent, and often has interchangeable positions. […]

11 years ago



Who Are the Hardest People to Lead? (It’s Not Who You Think)

I’ve been in the leadership business for most of my life—from captain of the pee wee football team at age 10, to the West Point Corps of Cadets at age 21, to leading over 30,000 at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at age 60.  I’ve read tons of books and articles about leadership and have […]

11 years ago



Is It Possible?

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I am what I am. Once a ______, always a _______. Is it really possible to change? Being in the leadership development industry, it’s a question I often get asked.  It’s a question I’ve been personally fascinated with…is change really possible? Here’s what I’ve found over the […]

11 years ago



What is Influence Worth?

I have a question for you today: “Why Change?”  In my work as an executive coach and corporate trainer, I try to get people to change every day.  Ironically, eighteen years ago when I first sat down with Flip Flippen about my personality and my personal constraints, I wasn’t just a little bit defensive, I […]

11 years ago



Reach as High as You Can

The audience was a bit shocked when I opened my keynote by asking them to reach as high as you can.  After everyone had their hand up, I asked them in a stronger tone to reach a little higher!  Strangely enough, every hand reached a little higher. They laughed when I asked them, “What didn’t […]

11 years ago



How to Show Your Appreciation

Do you know how to show your appreciation to those you lead? Or, do you just think it and never express it? Lyle Wells walks through one of the Flippen Profile scales called the Need to Engage in Nurturing Behaviors. He breaks down what it means to express how you feel in a way that […]

11 years ago



Is Wilson Your Only Truth-teller?

In the movie Castaway, Tom Hanks played the character Chuck (spoiler warning!) who was in a plane crash over water and eventually floats up to an uninhabited island.  Soon realizing he’s the only survivor and that rescue isn’t imminent, he begins searching for food and trying to build a shelter.  Several items from the plane […]

11 years ago



No Fear of Failure

I have three children, with the oldest beginning his senior year in high school. Some time ago, I began writing down comments, insights and various nuggets of information to share with my oldest son. During this timeframe, the list has grown into 11 Notes to Live By, and I’ll be blogging about various items on […]

11 years ago



What is it?

In this short video, Dr. Chris White explores the question, “what is it?” What is the number one thing you could work on that would increase your performance and fulfillment? What is it that could help you overcome your personal constraints? What is it that drives you crazy about your co-worker? When you think about […]

11 years ago



Building Leadership Grit

In the last few years I’ve become more sensitive to the impact that loss has on individuals.  Regardless of reason, whether war, depression, economics, death, illness or the other myriad of maladies that plague the human condition, when we are hit with traumatic and unexpected tough events, what is it that wells up and enables […]

11 years ago



The Platinum Standard

In the 2012 Summer Olympics, the United States men’s basketball team won their second consecutive gold medal under coach Mike Krzyzewski.  Coach K documented the beginning of this journey following the 2008 Olympics in a book entitled The Gold Standard.  In the book, Krzyzweski discusses how he defined 14 behaviors that were essential for the […]

12 years ago



Be a Copy Cat!

Someone once said: “People seldom improve when they have no model but themselves to copy.”  I have been fortunate because I’ve had several outstanding mentors to learn from and copy!  Truth is, I’ve gone further both personally and professionally than I thought I could because they thought I could! They were brains to pick, ears […]

12 years ago



Instead of being something to everyone, be everything to someone!

Building deep relationships with people is very important and often taken for granted.  Most people meander through the day without a specific plan on improving the relationships with those around them.  Their day consists of attending staff meetings, responding to emails, answering the phone, confirming the travel plans, etc.  In essence, you get caught up […]

12 years ago



The Power of the Second Serve

Recently Roger Federer won his 17th Grand Slam tennis title at Wimbledon, the most prestigious tournament in the sport. Although I am not an avid tennis fan, I did want to watch this final as Federer is considered the greatest player of our generation. What struck me as I watched was the low percentage of […]

12 years ago



Can You Handle the Truth?

Lee Bason, partner and Executive Vice President at the Flippen Group discusses the need for feedback in leadership. Watch this insightful video and ask yourself, can you handle the truth?

12 years ago



The Hardest Job in the World…is Mine?

How’s this for a challenging job?  In this job, you have 60 minutes to complete the following…go: Pick up the phone, dial a stranger’s number Realize the stranger doesn’t want to talk to you (because their boss forced them to take part in this “growth opportunity”) Engage them despite their skepticism Talk about the toughest […]

12 years ago



What We Do, How We Do It, and Why

First, let me explain what we do.  We make people and organizations better.  There isn’t anyone that we can’t help improve.  That’s what we do.  We help align their talent with their strategy so that they have the right people doing the right things.  We do gap analysis on talent and we provide behavioral growth plans […]

12 years ago



Life in Steel

A common occurrence when working in the leadership development industry as a speaker, consultant and executive coach is being privy to the leadership challenges, personal concerns and aspirations of clients, colleagues, and friends.  The job hazard of my type of work is that when someone learns what I do, they say something like “Boy, I […]

12 years ago



Act Like You’ve Been There

Brad McCoy here at The Flippen Group was an extremely successful high school football coach for over two decades.  I’m always fascinated by his stories and the techniques he used with those players. A few years ago, I was with Brad at a game.  Not just any game, but his team was in the Texas […]

12 years ago



It’s the Box Top!

All great leaders do the following 4 things extremely well: They know where they are going. (VISION) They are able to persuade others to follow. (INFLUENCE) They meet people’s needs, get them unstuck. (SERVE) They grow successors. (DEVELOP) Today I want to talk about VISION. During most holidays, you’ll find a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle […]

12 years ago



Two Halves Make a Whole

In a speech recently, I was asked, “Why don’t we just focus on the positives and forget the negatives? I don’t like to think about the negatives so I think we should just focus on the good things that we do and try to do them better.” Well, that sounds good but the problem is […]

12 years ago



What is Influence Worth?

I have a question for you today: “Why Change?” In my work as an executive coach and corporate trainer, I try to get people to change every day. Ironically, eighteen years ago when I first sat down with Flip Flippen about my personality and my personal constraints, I wasn’t just a little bit defensive, I […]

12 years ago



You Can’t Handle The Truth!

You may remember the title as a quote from the movie, A Few Good Men, when Jack Nicholson’s character, after being challenged for the truth by a defense attorney played by Tom Cruise, shouts, “You can’t handle the truth!” There may be little, perhaps nothing, on the earth more precious than the truth. Unfortunately, the […]

12 years ago



Cowboys looking for the ‘right guy’

The Dallas Cowboys routinely use a variety of sources to gather information on potential team members. But when they wanted to collect data that looked beyond a player’s ability to run, pass, or tackle, they enlisted the help of the Flippen Profile. Coach Garrett needed to ensure he recruited the ‘right kind of guys’ to join the Cowboys, and this quick online assessment offered profound insights into player behaviors and internal wiring.

12 years ago


Wyoming Park High School: Capturing Kids’ Hearts Creates Positive Behaviors

Reaction to gun incident at Wyoming Park High School shows how much has changed in 10 years since Columbine school shootings Paul McCatty, director of safety and security for Kentwood Public Schools, talks about the 70 cameras and security system at East Kentwood High School. “It’s a great benefit to observe 70 locations in a […]

16 years ago


Read how Thomas Stone High School has ‘flipped’ over positive relationships.

Bobby Mullens, 17, a senior at Thomas Stone High School, greets Flip Flippen, founder of The Flippen Group and the Capturing Kids’ Hearts program. Flippen had a tour of the school, which has embraced his program over the years. Flippen feels positive touch during Stone visit Capturing Kids’ Hearts designer met with gratitude By Gretchen […]

16 years ago


Students at Windemere Park Charter Academy Start With a Handshake

Students at Windemere Park Charter Academy don’t start the school day with an assignment. They start with a handshake. The Lansing Township charter school this year started a program called, “Capturing Kids’ Hearts,” which aims to foster better relationships between school staff members and students. (PDF)

16 years ago


Capturing Kids’ Hearts Continues at Cañon City High School

New principal, Clyde Tarrence of Cañon City High School in Colorado continues the work of interim principal Clyde Webb with Capturing Kids’ Hearts. Staff members attended the three-day program that teaches staff about establishing a welcoming environment for students in the classroom and in the school. “It’s a whole different approach of how to address kids,” Tarrence boasts of his 10 staff members certified in Capturing Kids’ Hearts, and he hopes to eventually see certification of the entire CCHS staff. (PDF)

16 years ago


Tommy Teaches Teen Leadership

Tommy Smigiel from Norview High School in Norfolk, Virginia was named 2008 Virginia Teacher of the Year. Tommy teaches Teen Leadership.

16 years ago


Gayle Sols Zavala from Gove Elementary in Belle Glade, Florida one of 20 teachers selected for USA Today’s All-USA Teacher Team

Gayle Sols Zavala from Gove Elementary in Belle Glade, Florida was one of 20 teachers selected for USA Today’s All-USA Teacher Team. They are selected by a panel of judges from nominees across the country. Educators were nominated by school administrators, parents, students, colleagues or family members. Click here for the full USA Today article (PDF). | December 2007 Click here for the article in the Florida Department of Education Newsletter (PDF)

17 years ago


Durham Public Schools receive prestigious national recognition

Two Durham Public Schools middle schools receive prestigious national recognition for their strong course selection, innovative character education for students, and a zest for overall academic excellence. Carrington Middle School and Shepard Middle Magnet School both have been named Schools to Watch by the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform. Press Release (PDF)

18 years ago


285 Campuses Nominated for 2019-2020 Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools Award

Over the last 30 years, Flippen Group has brought Capturing Kids’ Hearts tools and processes to thousands of campuses nationwide, teaching culture-building behaviors that transform classrooms into high-achieving centers of learning where kids want to be. Educators face an ever-growing challenge of creating safe and culturally responsive learning environments while encountering a myriad of outside pressures. The demand to […]

5 years ago



Self-reflection = strong connections

“In my opinion, Capturing Kids Hearts has changed the culture of how we do business. We are very kid-focused, very focused on all kids’ success, very focused on our staff working with kids and adults in a very positive manner,” Pickard said. “It is why Kentwood works from a team perspective.”

5 years ago



Splendora ISD Using Kindness and Compassion to Improve Grades

Splendora ISD is making a difference in the lives of their students by building relationships that start early. Campuses in the district are being transformed by Capturing Kids’ Hearts implementation; after one year of the program at Peach Creek Elementary, referrals dropped by 50%.

5 years ago



Flippen Group Honors 202 Campuses and Two Districts with their Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Awards for 2018-2019

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced remarkable outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Now, through the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools and Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School District awards, the Flippen Group is recognizing and celebrating schools and districts that go the extra mile each day, building […]

6 years ago



Over 5800 Students Attend LeadWorthy Live Dallas

On March 6, 2019, more than 5,800 high school student leaders from 30 school districts and 90 campuses gathered in The Theatre at Grand Prairie for LeadWorthy Live – an initiative bringing leaders, students, and educators to a stadium-sized classroom to learn, be inspired and challenged to #BeRemarkable!   Keynote speaker and founder Flip Flippen joined with other special […]

6 years ago



226 Campuses Nominated For Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools Award

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced amazing outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Through the National Showcase Schools awards, the Flippen Group is again recognizing and celebrating schools that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students are relationally connected and eager to learn. […]

6 years ago



Students From Over 33 School Districts Attend LeadWorthy Live in Houston

  On November 7, 2018, more than 4,600 high school student leaders from over 33 school districts and 89 campuses gathered inside the Berry Center in Cypress, TX for LeadWorthy Live – an initiative bringing leaders, students and educators to a stadium-sized classroom to learn, be inspired and challenged to #BeRemarkable! Keynote speaker and event […]

6 years ago



Flippen Group Honors 123 Campuses and Two Districts with their Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Awards for 2017-2018

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced remarkable outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts®  tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Now, through the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools™ and Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School District™ awards, the Flippen Group is recognizing and celebrating schools and districts that go the extra mile each day, […]

7 years ago



Flip Flippen Inspires Student Leaders at LeadWorthy Live Event

More than 2,250 student leaders gathered for the second Leadworthy Live event to learn we all have a story to write – and the importance of making it a good one. On March 7, 2018, New York Times best-selling author, Flip Flippen, joined with other special guests to charge these young leaders to live remarkable […]

7 years ago



Hurricane Recovery, An Ultra-Marathon

Like you, I witnessed the recent devastation of Hurricane Harvey along the Gulf Coast and of Hurricane Irma in Florida. My thoughts go back to my experience as Chief of the US Army Corps of Engineers in the recovery effort after Hurricane Katrina. That recovery was a multi-year marathon that took incredible teamwork, perseverance, resources, and people helping people.

7 years ago

Education, Business,


Strength in the Wake of Hurricane Harvey

Recently, we witnessed one of the worst national disasters to hit the Gulf Coast of Texas. Because I live in Texas, and because our family and staff are so close to so many of the victims, it has become very personal to us. Now that the torrential rains have stopped, the rescues are slowing down, lives aren’t being lost, people are finding homes and trying to rebuild, I wanted to share some thoughts.

7 years ago



53 Campuses Named Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced remarkable outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Now, through the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools awards, the Flippen Group is recognizing and celebrating schools that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students are relationally connected […]

8 years ago



57 Campuses Nominated for Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools™ Award

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced amazing outcomes with Capturing Kids’ HeartsⓇ tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Through the National Showcase Schools awards, Flippen Group is again recognizing and celebrating schools that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students are relationally connected and eager to learn. These 57 campuses are being considered for this honor for the 2016-2017 school year.

8 years ago



The Best Gift of All

During this season, maybe the best gift you can give those closest to you is affirming words straight from your heart. Your friends, family, and colleagues would love to know that you appreciate them – especially this time of year! We have had a great year, and the main reason for that is you. We […]

8 years ago

Education, Business,


Happy Thanksgiving from the Flippen Group

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Flip Flippen! I’m the New York Times best-selling author of The Flip Side, and I’m a philanthropist, an entrepreneur, and I’m also a cowboy. I love history, and that’s what makes me think about today […]

8 years ago

Education, Business,


2015-2016 Simmons-Leone Scholarship Recipients Announced

If you’ve ever wondered how big a difference one teacher can make, then consider the story of Stanley Leone and his high school teacher, Monda Simmons. When Stanley first met Monda, he was a seventeen-year-old whose life had been filled with pain, poverty, violence, crime, abuse, and homelessness. His impossible home life and lack of […]

8 years ago



Promises and Unity At Johnson Elementary With Flip Flippen

Flip Flippen loves kids and it’s evident in his recent visit to Johnson Elementary in Bryan, Texas. Johnson was one of eleven schools nationwide that was awarded the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School™ award for 2015-2016. In this video, Flip asks a few questions about the classroom Social Contract and learns what ‘promise’ and […]

8 years ago



For Too Many Students, School Is The One Place They Receive Love

“Students who are loved at home come to school to learn. Students who aren’t…come to school to be loved.” This quote by Nicholas A. Ferroni is all too descriptive of many schools. It underscores perhaps the primary issue facing educators today AND reveals the elusive explanation for why struggling schools often find it nearly impossible […]

8 years ago



Get The Feedback Itch

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, director of coaching and assessment at the Flippen Group, and I have a question for you. Have you ever had tension with someone? If so, there’s an itch you should have gotten, […]

8 years ago

Education, Business,


11 Campuses Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools

Since 1990, campuses nationwide have experienced remarkable outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Now, through the Showcase Schools awards, Flippen Group is recognizing and celebrating schools that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students are relationally connected and eager to learn.

9 years ago



How Smart Leaders Start Difficult Conversations

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. We’re launching this blog in April, so in honor of April Fools’ Day, let’s talk about some “Fool-ish” ways to start a tough conversation. All fooling aside. If you’ve been a leader for at least 10 minutes, […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


The New Year’s Resolution That Every Leader Should Have

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. I’m Dr. Chris White, New York Times best-selling author and Ph.D. statistician. In a minute, I’m going to tell you the new year’s resolution that every leader needs to make, including you. But first, as we think […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


2 Secrets From My Favorite Holiday Movies

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Flip Flippen, author of the New York Times best seller, The Flip Side. There are two films that I’ve gotten great lessons from, and I want to tell you the two lessons that I’ve learned. […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


Taft High School Named A 2015-2016 Capturing Kids’ Hearts Showcase Schools Nominee

Taft High School, located in South Texas, has been recognized as a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools nominee for 2015-2016. Students describe the school environment as a trusted ‘second family’ following implementation of the Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes – a move that has positively impacted students, staff, and parents. See the full story here. Congratulations […]

9 years ago



Thunderbolt Middle School Named A 2015-2016 Capturing Kids’ Hearts® Showcase Schools Nominee

Thunderbolt Middle School, in Arizona’s Lake Havasu Unified School District, was recently recognized as a Capturing Kids’ Hearts Showcase Schools nominee for 2015-2016. Read the full article here. Thunderbolt began their initiative 5 years ago, transforming the campus into an emotionally safe and relationally connected place for students, staff, and parents. As a result of […]

9 years ago



From Gangster to Scholar: How A Teacher Transformed My Life

At age 13, Stanley Leone was a hardcore gun-wielding veteran of violence, drugs, and incarcerations. By high school, he was a fearless gang leader, drug dealer, and street thug charged with felony assault. Stanley said, “I remember the police came to my school, handcuffed me, and took me to jail. Beneath my bad-boy talk, I was […]

9 years ago



Capturing Kids’ Hearts Showcase Schools Nominees

Creating high-performing classrooms is no easy task. The typical classroom is comprised of twenty or more students with diverse family backgrounds and expectations for behavior, randomly assembled into a cohort, and required to learn together. Too often, the impact of peer pressure and outside influences create a classroom culture that passively or even actively resists […]

9 years ago



Flip Flippen Joins Board of Advisors for The Drucker Institute

Flip Flippen, founder and chairman of Flippen Group, has joined the Board of Advisors for The Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California. The Drucker Institute is a social enterprise with a mission to “strengthen organizations to strengthen society.” About six months after Peter Drucker’s passing in late 2005, over 100 leaders gathered […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


R.L. VanAntwerp Gold de Fleury Medal Recipient

  R.L. “Van” VanAntwerp, Jr., LTG (R) was awarded the prestigious 2015 Gold de Fleury Medal by the U.S. Army Engineer Regiment. As the highest honor given by the regiment, the Gold de Fleury medal is named after François de Fleury, a French engineer who served the Continental Army during the American Revolution, and who […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


From Gangster to Scholar: How A Teacher Transformed My Life

At age 13, Stanley Leone was a hardcore gun-wielding veteran of violence, drugs, and incarcerations. By high school, he was a fearless gang leader, drug dealer, and street thug charged with felony assault. Stanley said, “I remember the police came to my school, handcuffed me, and took me to jail. Beneath my bad-boy talk, I was […]

9 years ago



The Bigness of Little Things

In this video: (0:45) Pigtails & Penny Loafers (3:15) Summer Vacation (7:15) Big Impacts with Little Things Can you run a marathon? Maybe at one point in my life I could have, but not anymore. There’s no way! Well, what if I said that you could split up that distance and run it over a […]

10 years ago



Connecting Brain Science and Socio-Emotional Safety to Impact Academic Achievement

Have you ever had a student in your school who struggled with learning? I’ve been there. Many teachers’ reaction is to tell them to just “study harder”. But you and I both know there’s more to it than a lack of effort.

Hi there, Education Heroes! I’m Dr. Debbie Emery, Leadership Process Executive at The Flippen Group, and today I want to share with you a talk by our founder, Flip Flippen. Flip is a psychotherapist and New York Times best-selling author, and in this talk with educators he explains how the brain is affected by stress and how that influences learning. Enjoy this talk, and I’ll be back in a few minutes!

10 years ago



The Key to Safe Schools: Relational Capacity

In virtually every community of our country as well as places abroad people have been horrified by school shootings in recent decades. Questions are asked to which there are seemingly no rational answers for such senseless acts of violence. No complete answer exists to explain it or stop the shootings, bullying, and acts of violence. Nothing […]

10 years ago



What Students Really Want Their Schools To Be Like

Have you ever wondered what today’s middle and high school students really want their schools to be like on the inside? This video, produced by middle school and high school students in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, says it all and the truth may surprise you… We want to affirm and congratulate Mari Jo Mulligan, the principal of Thunderbolt Middle School […]

10 years ago



Principal Cites Capturing Kids’ Hearts Processes As The Behavioral Standard for Alaskan Leadership

Amy Spargo, Principal of Wasilla High School, cited Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes as the behavioral standard for Alaskan leadership in an Alaska Dispatch News article this week. Ms. Spargo has been a principal in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District for 13 years. Read the full article HERE. Congratulations to Amy Spargo and the entire team at Wasilla […]

10 years ago



Colt McCoy Featured In The Washington Post

Colt McCoy, Washington Redskins quarterback, and a long time friend and coaching client of the Flippen Group, was featured in the Washington Post this week. Congratulations, Colt! Full article here:  

10 years ago



Oatville Elementary School, Named A 2014 Exemplary High Performing School, Credits Capturing Kids’ Hearts

Oatville Elementary School, one of six elementary schools in Haysville Unifed School District in Kansas, was recently recognized as an Exemplary High Performing School for 2014 by The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program. Read the full article HERE. Capturing Kids’ Hearts was one of two programs credited for a dramatic reduction in disciplinary interventions and improvement in academic achievement at Oatville […]

10 years ago



The Teachable Heart

I recently asked a group of school superintendents what they felt contributed to a person having a teachable heart. It seemed like a good question, since they are in the education business. What makes someone “teachable”? Of course, another word that works equally well is “coachable”. Pride is the enemy of a teachable heart. You […]

10 years ago



How Do We Motivate Kids These Days?

We are  asked by teachers and administrators, “How do we motivate kids these days?” The answer is RELATIONSHIPS! This is a simple answer, however, not easy to carry out unless you have a set of tools that work for you. Why do relationships increase motivation? When students feel connected to an appropriate adult at home […]

10 years ago



Those Who are Lost…Fall

Newtown, Connecticut was a symptom. So was Aurora, Colorado…and so was Columbine. I’ve spent much of my life working with troubled and hurting people. The first 16 years was with troubled and homeless kids, and gangs. We opened a free outpatient clinic to serve those with no access to mental health services. As the clinic […]

10 years ago



[Forbes] The most effective leaders are vulnerable — are you?

As leaders, we rarely admit our fears. We’re concerned about what people will think. We struggle with our doubts alone: Do I have what it takes? What should I do about this? Who can I safely ask for help? Research shows that we all long for leaders with the courage to be vulnerable, to admit […]

5 years ago



“Teamalytics” is the New Name of Flippen Group Corporate Services

Flippen Group Corporate Services has rebranded as “Teamalytics” to better convey their expertise: using analytics and coaching to remove the obstacles holding teams back so they can have fun, hit goals, and earn more. Over the last 29 years, the Flippen Group has analyzed behavioral data from more than 500,000 people and consulted with 1000’s […]

5 years ago



Self-awareness — Giving it to those who need it most :-)

Have you ever been seated in an airplane aisle seat and gotten whacked by someone’s backpack as they move by you? We have too. Some passengers realize what happened and quickly apologize, trying to be more careful as they keep going. Other are totally unaware of what they did and keep on whacking passengers as […]

5 years ago



[Gallup] The employee engagement factor eating your lunch

Okay, class — time for a pop quiz! First question: What is the number one, top-of-the-heap, grand prize-winning factor that determines how engaged your employees are? Take a moment and write down your answer… You probably don’t need to be reminded of the importance of having an engaged workforce. Employee engagement not only affects retention, […]

6 years ago



[HBR] How to work with annoying people (and get results!)

Some of the people you work with annoy you, don’t they? At least one person. At least sometimes. Right? So what are you doing about them? Maybe you’re hoping those annoying colleagues will change. Sadly, real-life examples of annoying people becoming un-annoying are about as scarce as grass around a hog trough. Maybe you’re trying […]

6 years ago



[Gallup] The ONE skill your team most wishes you had…

The team you’re leading has changed whether you know it or not. Are you changing? If not, you probably haven’t learned the ONE skill that Gallup calls, “The No. 1 quality that makes a manager great.” This is the ONE quality or skill your team most wishes you had. Do you have it? You are […]

6 years ago



[HBR] Some of your behaviors are derailing your career

We’ve all known executives who have derailed or blown-up their careers by the way they behaved. (Jeff Skilling or Martha Stewart come to mind as extreme cases.) But, have you ever asked yourself if you are vulnerable to a similar fate? Many leaders end up in a ditch despite having received numerous opportunities along the […]

6 years ago



Why you keep reverting to command-and-control style managing

Does your leadership style drive your team to achieve business results AND encourage them to contribute and evolve their individual talents? How would your team respond to this question about you? You probably already believe that developing an “outcome-based culture” is better than relying on the old “command-and-control” management style, if the goal is maximizing […]

6 years ago



Why your team sees you MUCH differently than you see yourself.

Do you know how important accurate self-awareness is to your executive career? A recent Cornell University study of senior executives at companies with revenues from $50 million to $5 billion concluded that, “A high self-awareness score was the strongest predictor of overall success.” Self-awareness can be the difference between growing revenue and profitability — or […]

6 years ago



[CHIEF EXECUTIVE] How Accenture grew 20% using neuroscience

You’ve probably heard the average person uses only 10% of their brain. It’s an intriguing and promising idea. It’s also a myth. 🙂 Modern science has demonstrated that most of our brain is being used most of the time. As the field of neuroscience continues advancing, we’re also learning more about the relationship between the […]

6 years ago



Does your team WANT to work for you?

Does your team WANT to work for you? Or do they fear you and secretly dislike your leadership? A recent Harvard Business Review (HBR) article suggests that leaders with organizational power can “become overly obsessed with outcomes and control, and, therefore, treat their employees as means to an end.” Picture the managers described in this […]

6 years ago



[HBR] How many of your HiPo’s are about to leave you?

How many key High-Potentials on your team are about to leave? Do you know? Or just think you know? Even if they’re not leaving physically, how many have disengaged and left the proverbial building mentally? According to Gallup, employee disengagement represents “a stunning amount of wasted potential, given that business units in the top quartile […]

6 years ago



[HBR] Your exec coach may be working with you on the wrong things.

If you’re a CEO, you’re probably not working with an executive coach on your leadership skills but wish you were, according to a Stanford University survey reported in Harvard Business Review (HBR). “Two-thirds of CEOs don’t receive any outside advice on their leadership skills, and yet almost all would be receptive to suggestions from a […]

6 years ago



[APA] You’re probably over-stressing your team and don’t even realize it.

As a senior leader, what if you could personally improve the productivity of 40% or more of your workforce…would you do it? You probably can! Because as a senior leader, you’re probably over-stressing your team and don’t even realize it. According to the annual stress surveys published by the American Psychological Association, stress has become […]

6 years ago



[Chief Executive] Why your team is bored in meetings (and how to fix it)

Ever wonder why your team seems bored during your meetings? Or why they check their creativity and passion at the door when they enter your virtual or physical conference room? Here’s the likely answer. Senior leaders still do most of the talking during meetings. And you probably do, too. According to Stanford Business Professor Lindred […]

6 years ago



[Gallup] What a manager mis-hire REALLY costs you (and how to avoid it)

What would you do if you had a business process that was failing 82% of the time? And what if this failing process was costing your company buckets of money? According to the Gallup Business Journal, this is most likely what’s happening in your business when it comes to hiring managers. Gallup analytics have determined […]

6 years ago



[HBR] Helping the behavioral “opposites” on your team win…

In your company, do opposites attract, attack…or avoid each other? There are numerous examples of successful partnerships built on shared passions and skills. Bill Gates and Paul Allen were both enamored with computers and had a shared entrepreneurial spirit. Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield were high school friends who both loved food and especially ice […]

6 years ago



[Bain & Co.] If private equity came knocking, which execs make the cut?

If private equity partners came knocking at your door looking for a portfolio company, would your current leadership team make the cut? PE firms are all about accelerating growth and company valuation as quickly as possible. So are you. But in an increasingly competitive environment, are you prioritizing the leadership behaviors PE firms know accelerate […]

6 years ago



[HBR] How behavioral analytics grew sales by $200M in just one year…

How much does your sales team benefit from feedback? We don’t mean, “How often do they get feedback?” We’re asking, “Do they get feedback in a way that actually increases sales?” Harvard Business Review (HBR) recently reported that busy sales managers are prone to giving curt feedback to their teams and primarily focusing on intention […]

6 years ago



[McKinsey] Are you an inspiring leader? You may be surprised…

Do you believe you’re an inspiring leader? If you answered ‘yes,’ you’re not alone. Data compiled from McKinsey Organizational Health Index indicated about 77% of upper management perceive themselves as inspiring. But most employees don’t agree with their leaders. A new survey published by Forbes Magazine found that 65% of employees would rather see their […]

7 years ago



[McKinsey] How Steve Jobs became less of a jerk-leader

Would it surprise you to know that the widespread belief that Steve Jobs succeeded (in part) because he was overbearing, temperamental, and insensitive — is a myth?! More importantly, how has this myth shaped YOUR view of what successful executive leadership looks like? While it’s true that Jobs earned a reputation for his abusive behavior […]

7 years ago



Google reveals THE defining characteristic of successful teams

What would you give to learn team leadership from one of the most prolific companies in the world (Google)? The tech giant completed a massive two-year study on team performance and revealed THE defining characteristic of successful teams. Paul Santagata, head of industry at Google, described this defining characteristic: “In Google’s fast-paced, highly demanding environment, […]

7 years ago



Surprising insight into performance reviews

It’s annual performance review season! (Groans from around the room…) Many team leaders hate giving negative feedback to their team members. Thus, they hate annual performance reviews. Negative feedback is no fun for either party. (No surprises there!) But, did you know that more than a THIRD of managers also AVOID giving positive feedback?! A […]

7 years ago



Budget 2018: How to push your team harder (and have them love it!)

It’s budget-building time and we’re probably all thinking the same thing. How can I get even more out of my team in 2018? Have you ever wondered just how hard you could push a team without stressing them to the breaking point? An article by Karen Firestone in the May edition of the Harvard Business Review, called “How Leaders Can Push Employees Without Stressing Them Out,” suggests five best practices for driving your team hard WITHOUT sacrificing morale and engagement:

7 years ago



Google cracks the code: the #1 attribute of successful teams

Have you ever wondered how to build teams that crush their goals? Google has cracked the code. An article by Michael Schneider in the July 2017 edition of Inc. magazine baits us: “Google Spent 2 Years Studying 180 Teams. The Most Successful Ones Shared These 5 Traits.” By way of background: Google researchers wanted to […]

7 years ago



Hurricane Recovery, An Ultra-Marathon

Like you, I witnessed the recent devastation of Hurricane Harvey along the Gulf Coast and of Hurricane Irma in Florida. My thoughts go back to my experience as Chief of the US Army Corps of Engineers in the recovery effort after Hurricane Katrina. That recovery was a multi-year marathon that took incredible teamwork, perseverance, resources, and people helping people.

7 years ago

Education, Business,


HBR highlights 4 behaviors of winning execs

An article in the May-June 2017 edition of the Harvard Business Review, “What Sets Successful CEOs Apart,” confirms the Flippen Group’s findings in working with executive leaders of some of the world’s largest and most respected firms over the last two decades.

7 years ago



The Best Gift of All

During this season, maybe the best gift you can give those closest to you is affirming words straight from your heart. Your friends, family, and colleagues would love to know that you appreciate them – especially this time of year! We have had a great year, and the main reason for that is you. We […]

8 years ago

Education, Business,


Happy Thanksgiving from the Flippen Group

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Flip Flippen! I’m the New York Times best-selling author of The Flip Side, and I’m a philanthropist, an entrepreneur, and I’m also a cowboy. I love history, and that’s what makes me think about today […]

8 years ago

Education, Business,


Google’s Research on Collaboration And Your Team’s Productivity

For decades, companies have been spending time and money on “employee performance optimization” efforts. The emphasis has been on identifying the unique traits of high-producing employees and replicating them in others. But a recent New York Times article by Charles Duhigg, “What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team,” shed light on […]

8 years ago



Get The Feedback Itch

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, director of coaching and assessment at the Flippen Group, and I have a question for you. Have you ever had tension with someone? If so, there’s an itch you should have gotten, […]

8 years ago

Education, Business,


How Smart Leaders Start Difficult Conversations

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. We’re launching this blog in April, so in honor of April Fools’ Day, let’s talk about some “Fool-ish” ways to start a tough conversation. All fooling aside. If you’ve been a leader for at least 10 minutes, […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


The New Year’s Resolution That Every Leader Should Have

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. I’m Dr. Chris White, New York Times best-selling author and Ph.D. statistician. In a minute, I’m going to tell you the new year’s resolution that every leader needs to make, including you. But first, as we think […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


Whose Fault Is It When You Don’t Receive Critical Feedback?

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Flip Flippen, New York Times best-selling author, Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year, and serial social entrepreneur. So, whose fault is it when you’re not receiving feedback, especially as a senior exec? Let me tell […]

9 years ago



2 Secrets From My Favorite Holiday Movies

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Flip Flippen, author of the New York Times best seller, The Flip Side. There are two films that I’ve gotten great lessons from, and I want to tell you the two lessons that I’ve learned. […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


Hudson Energy Vice President Chris Duzich On The Flippen Group

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi there, leaders! My name is General Robert Van Antwerp, a retired three-star general from the US Army. Today I want to share with you a message by Christopher Duzich, senior vice president of Hudson Energy, on […]

9 years ago



The Ultimate Measure of a Leader

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. I’m Lee Bason, coach to Fortune 500 executives for 20 years, and I want to talk about the least important person in your organization and mine. You know, I think the ultimate measure of a leader may […]

9 years ago



3 Reasons Coaching Doesn’t Work…And I’m A Coach!

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Chris White, a New York Times bestselling author and a Ph.D. statistician. Today, we’re talking about three reasons coaching doesn’t work. If I’m talking about three reasons coaching doesn’t work, I guess I should clarify […]

9 years ago



When You Should Be Defensive During Feedback (Don’t Miss The Pie Chart!)

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. If you don’t want to miss the pie chart, watch the video! I’m Chris White, New York Times bestselling author and a Ph.D. statistician. Today, we’re talking about when it’s okay to be defensive. More and more research […]

9 years ago



Why Overcoming Personal Constraints is the Key to Success

Why do certain people reach higher and higher levels, while others struggle or just plug along at a lesser level of achievement? We decided to study as many highly successful people as we could to discover the differences: top performers on Wall Street and leaders in manufacturing, retail, and the military. We looked at top […]

9 years ago



6 Things That Should Never Go Together and 2 Surprising Things That Should

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, best-selling co-author of The Flip Side and a Ph.D. statistician. Here are 6 Things That Should Never Go Together and 2 Surprising Things That Should. Well, the first two things that should […]

9 years ago



The Connection Equation

If you would prefer to read this video instead of watch it, the transcript is available below. Hi, I’m General Van. I’m a retired three-star general with 39 years in the Army. My last job in the Army was as the Army Chief of Engineers. I want to talk to you today about connecting. Let’s think […]

9 years ago



What’s More Important – Team or Mission?

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. As a leader, you place a high value on both your team and your mission, but can you tell me which is more important? Hi there, leaders! My name is General Robert VanAntwerp, a retired three-star general […]

9 years ago



Flip Flippen Joins Board of Advisors for The Drucker Institute

Flip Flippen, founder and chairman of Flippen Group, has joined the Board of Advisors for The Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California. The Drucker Institute is a social enterprise with a mission to “strengthen organizations to strengthen society.” About six months after Peter Drucker’s passing in late 2005, over 100 leaders gathered […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


Two Acronyms Every Leader Needs to Know and Do

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. I experienced 39 years in the military, and every day we used a ton of acronyms. You probably use them in your organizations, too. As if that isn’t enough, I made up two additional acronyms that every leader needs […]

9 years ago



What Should I Have Done Differently?

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. How would you respond if the President of the United States looked straight into your eyes and asked, “What should I have done differently?” Hi there, leaders! My name is General Robert Van Antwerp, a retired three-star […]

9 years ago



R.L. VanAntwerp Gold de Fleury Medal Recipient

  R.L. “Van” VanAntwerp, Jr., LTG (R) was awarded the prestigious 2015 Gold de Fleury Medal by the U.S. Army Engineer Regiment. As the highest honor given by the regiment, the Gold de Fleury medal is named after François de Fleury, a French engineer who served the Continental Army during the American Revolution, and who […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


How To Start Things Right Every Time

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. I bet you’ve heard a lot of advice as a leader on how to finish strong, but have you ever learned how to get things started right? Hi there, leaders! My name is General Robert VanAntwerp, a […]

9 years ago



4 Types of Feedback and How To Filter Them

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. As a leader, one thing is quite unavoidable: people giving us feedback. It can be positive feedback. If so, pinch yourself!  Or it can be so-called “constructive criticism.” It’s also why a simple, yet powerful tool called “The […]

9 years ago



I Gave Feedback to Your Boss…Oh! You’re Welcome!

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. We gave a little feedback to your boss…Oh! You’re welcome! Hi there, leaders. My name is General Robert Van Antwerp, a retired three-star general from the Army. Today I want to share with you a talk by […]

9 years ago



3 Foolish Ways & 3 Clever Ways to Start a Feedback Conversation

If you would prefer to read this content instead of watching the video, the transcript is available below. It’s one of the most powerful conversations you can have with a team mate to improve performance, and yet you can often start it off poorly. Do you know what it is? Hi there, leaders! My name […]

9 years ago



3 High-Value Activities Each Leader Should Master

I have a confession to make; it’s a simple one with profound implications. I have wasted a lot of time in my life on low-value activities. I didn’t intend to waste it, but you and I both know that it’s all too easy to do. Hi there, leaders! I’m Dr. Debbie Emery, Leadership Process Executive […]

9 years ago



6 Things That Go Together and 2 Surprising Things That Should

Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, best-selling co-author of The Flip Side and a PhD Statistician. Here are 5 Things That Should Never Go Together and 2 Surprising Things That Should. The first 2 things that should NEVER go together are…Donuts and Seafood. This is not photoshop–I took this picture myself in a small town in […]

10 years ago



The 4 Types of Feedback and How to Filter Them

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:24 Inaccurate and Accurate Feedback 00:58 Accurate, BUT Poorly Said or Well Said Feedback 02:10 Inaccurate, BUT Poorly Said or Well Said Feedback 02:58 What’s the Best Response to Feedback Here? 04:02 #1 Dumb Thing Even Smart Leaders Do Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, NY Times best-selling co-author of The Flip Side and […]

10 years ago



8 Huge No-No’s When Apologizing

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:24 “But… Apology” 00:47 “I-Blame-You Apology” 01:05 “Conditional Apology” 01:27 “2-Worder Apology” 01:41 “Victim Apology” 02:02 “If Apology” 02:28 “Evaporating Apology” 02:43 “Interruption Apology” 03:15 #1 Dumb Thing Even Smart Leaders Do Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, NY Times best-selling co-author of The Flip Side and a PhD Statistician. Here are 8 HUGE […]

10 years ago



3 Foolish Ways & 3 Clever Ways to Start a Feedback Conversation

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:21 Foolish Way #1 00:35 Foolish Way #2 01:37 Foolish Way #3 01:55 Clever Way #1 02:54 Clever Way #2 03:42 Clever Way #4 04:26 #1 Dumb Thing Even Smart Leaders Do Hi, I’m Dr. Chris White, best-selling co-author of The Flip Side and a PhD Statistician. Here are 3 Foolish Ways […]

10 years ago



How To Lighten Your Leadership Load

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:19 Those With The Least Constraints…WIN! 00:38 Thousands Of Success Stories Prove The Secret To Winning 01:16 It’s Not The Lowest, It’s The Least 02:18 The Meaning Of Personal Growth 03:23 How To Lighten Your Leadership Load Today In my previous videos, we discussed the first four laws in the Five Laws of Personal Constraints. If […]

10 years ago



What Personal Constraints Are Critically Impacting Your Role?

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:16 Personal Constraints Are Role Specific 00:40 Why You Don’t Want Me To Be Your Accountant 01:05 When Behaviors Become Constraints 02:42 How To Create A Plan to Overcome What’s Holding You Back In my previous videos, we discussed the first three laws in the Five Laws of Personal Constraints. If you haven’t watched them yet, […]

10 years ago



Why You Shouldn’t Focus On The Positive And Forget The Negative

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:23 Wherever You Go, There You Are 00:56 Why Don’t We Just Focus On The Positive And Forget The Negatives? 01:54 What If You Were Really Good At Throwing A Baseball? 03:06 You Don’t Want The Fewest Constraints, You Want The Least Impacting 04:03 A Special Invitation For Leaders In my previous videos […]

10 years ago



4 Groups of Executives — Only 1 Is Consistently Effective

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:23 How Hunters Catch Monkeys In Africa 01:12 Many Of Us Can’t Or Won’t Address What’s Keeping Us Stuck 01:50 Think About This Question… 2:06 The 4 Groups of Executives 2:33 The Good News About Moving Into The Right Group In my last video, we discussed the first law in the Five Laws […]

10 years ago



3 Types of Invisible Things You Do To Hinder Your Performance

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:02 An Unforgettable Outing With My Boys 01:08 One Balloon That Simply Can’t Get Off The Ground 01:53 I Know What It’s Like To Be That Balloon 02:46 Why You And I Can Feel Tied Down 03:39 The One Question You Need to Answer 04:14 How Talented And Capable People Are Short-Circuiting Their Success 05:38 Having […]

10 years ago



The ONE Thing You Lose When You Step Into The C-Suite

IN THIS VIDEO: 00:12 The One Thing You Lose 00:48 What Everyone Wants To Tell You 00:58 The Problem 01:06 A Quick Story About Feedback 02:38 Why Finding Out Where You’re Really Stuck Matters 03:03 How to Find Out The Truth 03:34 An Exclusive Invitation for Leaders When you make it into a leadership role, […]

10 years ago



What An Unemployed Army Officer and Doctor Taught Me About Dominance

I hate to admit I need any medications, but when I do, I know one thing—take the right dose! The dominance trait in leaders, as with most behaviors, is the same way. We don’t want a passive, tentative person leading our organization. We also don’t want an overwhelming tornado in charge. For our discussion, dominance […]

10 years ago



Flippen Profile Scale #1: Achievement Drive — What It Is and 4 Common Myths

I met with a client recently who was facing some team challenges such as projects consistently being late, people lacking initiative and meetings being inefficient.  When we looked at the full group’s Flippen 360 Profiles, it turned out they had a much higher than normal concentration of lower scores on our Flippen Profile’s Need for […]

10 years ago



How to Identify Your Constraints

Feedback Is Critical A while back I was packing to go out of town, and two of the boys were sitting on the ledge of the tub in our bathroom. They were giving me a hard time about what I was wearing, and I turned and looked in the mirror, commenting that I was sure […]

10 years ago



Why Clarity of Focus is the Key to Growth

We all have constraints that are potentially hurtful and sometimes dangerous. What about a parent who isn’t nurturing enough to his or her children? Or a parent who is too nurturing and continues to enable inappropriate behavior by not setting adequate boundaries? What about a boss or a spouse who is defensive and not open […]

11 years ago



The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law 5

If you missed the first four parts of this blog series, here are the links to read them: The 5Laws of Personal Constraints: Law One The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law Two The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law Three The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law Four Law Five: Those with the Fewest […]

11 years ago



The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law 4

If you missed the first three parts of this blog series, here are the links to read them: The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law One The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law Two The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law Three Law Four: Personal Constraints Are Role Specific I was born with dyscalcula, a […]

11 years ago



The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law 3

If you missed the first two parts of this blog series, here are the links to read them: The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law One The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law Two Law Three: Our Personal Constraints Play Themselves Out in Every Area of Our Lives There’s a reason why I encouraged Peter […]

11 years ago



The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law 2

If you missed the first part of this blog series, click here to read it. Law Two: You Can’t Rise Above Constraints That You Don’t or Won’t Address There is an old story about how hunters catch monkeys in Africa. They hollow out a coconut, making sure the hole is just large enough for a […]

11 years ago



The 5 Laws of Personal Constraints: Law 1

Our company has had the privilege of working with some of the most outstanding leaders of business, sports, and education of our time. The information we gathered told the same story: in every field talented and capable people were short-circuiting their own success. But they were also finding that they could fulfill their potential once […]

11 years ago



What You Can Learn from Hot Air Balloons

A few years ago I took my boys Matthew and Micah on our annual guys’ outing: a grueling, six-day, backpacking trip in the mountains of Colorado. The morning after we arrived in Beaver Creek, we went to the ski area where we would begin our hike. We put on our packs and began to head […]

11 years ago



How Personal Constraints Set Your Limits

How do personal constraints determine success? Simple. They set the limits for where you can ultimately go, no matter how gifted or talented you are. Your personal constraints—your conscious and unconscious limiting behaviors—hold you back and determine your ultimate level of success. Most of us know at least one person in life who possesses great […]

11 years ago



What Richie Incognito Can Teach Us About Stopping Bullying

You may have read about Richie Incognito’s story in the media.  He agreed to a paid suspension that ends his NFL season and the Dolphins are effectively ending his career with them by not offering him a new contract next year. The news media has spent the last four weeks calling out the veteran offensive […]

11 years ago



Why Overcoming Personal Constraints is the Key to Success

  I have always been interested in what made some people successful while others just plugged along at a lesser level. Why does Tiger Woods continue to outperform other golfers? Why does Katie Couric continue moving up while others get fired? Why does Terry Bradshaw continue to be an anchor in broadcasting long after others […]

11 years ago



What You Can Learn from Case McCoy

I want to share a really inspiring video with you. But first, let me give you a little background on this incredible story. I’ve known Case McCoy almost all his life. This is his Senior year as the quarterback for the University of Texas Longhorns and he’s leading his team to the Alamo Bowl against […]

11 years ago



People Centered and Culture Driven

What makes a company, organization, or institution great?  What makes your teammates, clients, and everyone who knows you and knows about you to say you are definitely on that list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For?” The answer to both questions is simple to say but challenging to be: You need to be people centered […]

11 years ago



Enemies or Friends? — An Unlikely Alliance

A few weeks ago, our family visited the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas, Texas. I was struck by a letter on display from the late Senator Ted Kennedy to the newly elected President Bush. The letter, in part, stated: “…like you, I have every intention of getting things done, particularly in education and […]

11 years ago



3 Great Questions Leaders Ask

After over 40 years of observing great and not so great leaders in the military, in government, in corporations, in education, and in sports, I can see some common threads shared by the great ones. They genuinely care for those they lead; they serve more than they are served; they inspire and give energy more […]

11 years ago



On the Shoulders of Giants

In a letter to Robert Hooke, Sir Isaac Newton used this expression with respect to his own accomplishments: “If I have seen further, it is only because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.” This phrase in its earliest known form was attributed to Bernard of Chartres who would say that “we [the Moderns] […]

11 years ago




My apologies!  A while back, I wrote a blog titled It’s the Box Top that introduced the “Big 4 for Leaders”—things that all great leaders do extremely well.  Then I left you hanging by only talking about the first one!  In that blog, I spoke of visionary leaders and their ability to describe the jigsaw puzzle box top […]

11 years ago



Don’t Honk The Horn

I almost honked at the car in front of me this morning.  Again.  I was being impatient, but for good reason.  I made commitments and needed to get to work for a meeting.  I left the house with plenty of time, but I didn’t account for the person in front of me going so slow […]

11 years ago



No One Fights Alone

“No One Fights Alone” are the words on an unmistakably orange rubber bracelet I have been wearing for the last two months.  A co-worker’s dad is going through a health crisis and I am wearing the family-designed bracelet as a sign of support and to keep him and his family in the forefront of my […]

11 years ago



8 Life Lessons I Learned When Playing Under Arthur Ashe

When I was in The Military Academy at West Point for college, the Vietnam war was in full swing and many of America’s finest were being drafted.  One of those draftees was a man named Arthur Ashe, a legend in the tennis world and active player on the pro circuit.  Seems like he could have tried to […]

11 years ago



The Fine Art of Handling Corporate Terrorists…And Who To Blame

Far more often than you’d imagine, we discover that a competent president or CEO is struggling with “terrorism.”  Who is the usual terrorist?  A member of their own senior leadership team!!  Invariably, the terrorist is a seriously talented but heavily constrained leader.  In every case, this talented individual contributor is wreaking havoc with his/her boss […]

11 years ago



Four Easy Ways to Crush Innovation and How You Can Avoid Them

Before you skip over this because you aren’t a Chief Innovation Officer, answer this question: Is there anyone in your life that you’d rather not squelch their creativity and in fact would rather help it flourish?  If you answered yes, then whether you are a parent, teacher, executive, or coach, this is for you. Achieving […]

11 years ago



Are You an Accidental Diminisher?

While on vacation this summer I re-read Liz Wiseman’s bestselling book Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter.  Wiseman contrasts leaders who multiply those around them with leaders who diminish their teams.  Multipliers energize the people they work with and Wiseman’s research shows they multiply productivity by a factor of 2 as compared to […]

11 years ago



What Haiti Gave Me

As I rolled down the streets of Port-au-Prince in Haiti, the sights and smells caused me to wonder “How could this be”? Walls of people as far as you can see and destitution in every direction. People were selling and bartering whatever they could—I couldn’t help but notice one man selling a half-full Gatorade bottle. […]

11 years ago



3 Keys to Growing a Sustainable Company

The famous astronaut Neal Armstrong once said, “You only have two problems when going to the moon: first, how to get there; and second, how to get back.  The key is don’t leave until you have solved both.” Like you, I found myself smiling at the simplicity of this statement.  Armstrong took one of the […]

11 years ago



Are You Prepared?

On a recent business trip, I was talking to an owner of an organization about being prepared.  How much preparation is needed?  How damaging can it be when one is not prepared?  How much should be invested in preparation?  These were various questions being discussed and as the conversation came to a transitional point he […]

11 years ago



Major League Baseball’s Hidden Sixth Tool

I just finished partnering with several MLB organizations for the annual amateur draft and the process of assessing athletic talent never ceases to amaze me.  In baseball, you may have heard the term “five-tool player” used to describe the rare player that excels at all five of the major physical tools (Speed, Throwing, Fielding, Hiting […]

11 years ago



Conflict Myth #1: Conflict Resolution = Closure

What is true conflict resolution?  I encounter a lot of people who feel like conflict resolution involves sitting down with the other party and putting all of the facts on the table, expressing feelings, airing emotions and seeing if the other person can finally own their part. Wow, wouldn’t that be nice!  I literally laughed […]

11 years ago



What is your purpose?

Coaching an individual or an organization to its highest potential is a prevalent request in the world of leadership development.  There are four basic ingredients, each interdependent on the other: The sponsor The capable coach The motivated coachee (most importantly) The defined purpose towards which they are working The approach, time, and nature of the […]

11 years ago



What the NFL Taught Me About Performance Reviews

The idea of an annual performance review frightens me like it does many, but most likely for different reasons.  I am most afraid of the valuable time for improvement lost if critical feedback is withheld until the end of the year.  It is also frightening that we work roughly 2,000 hours a year and only […]

11 years ago



Leaders, Do You Have a Group or a Team?

The word team is greatly overused and misused.  Truth is, few groups of people are actually teams.  Most working groups reflexively call themselves teams because we use the word to describe people who are affiliated in what they do.  A true team, on the other hand, works together simultaneously, is interactive, is mutually dependent, and often has interchangeable positions. […]

11 years ago



Who Are the Hardest People to Lead? (It’s Not Who You Think)

I’ve been in the leadership business for most of my life—from captain of the pee wee football team at age 10, to the West Point Corps of Cadets at age 21, to leading over 30,000 at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at age 60.  I’ve read tons of books and articles about leadership and have […]

11 years ago



Is It Possible?

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. I am what I am. Once a ______, always a _______. Is it really possible to change? Being in the leadership development industry, it’s a question I often get asked.  It’s a question I’ve been personally fascinated with…is change really possible? Here’s what I’ve found over the […]

11 years ago



What is Influence Worth?

I have a question for you today: “Why Change?”  In my work as an executive coach and corporate trainer, I try to get people to change every day.  Ironically, eighteen years ago when I first sat down with Flip Flippen about my personality and my personal constraints, I wasn’t just a little bit defensive, I […]

11 years ago



Reach as High as You Can

The audience was a bit shocked when I opened my keynote by asking them to reach as high as you can.  After everyone had their hand up, I asked them in a stronger tone to reach a little higher!  Strangely enough, every hand reached a little higher. They laughed when I asked them, “What didn’t […]

11 years ago



How to Show Your Appreciation

Do you know how to show your appreciation to those you lead? Or, do you just think it and never express it? Lyle Wells walks through one of the Flippen Profile scales called the Need to Engage in Nurturing Behaviors. He breaks down what it means to express how you feel in a way that […]

11 years ago



Is Wilson Your Only Truth-teller?

In the movie Castaway, Tom Hanks played the character Chuck (spoiler warning!) who was in a plane crash over water and eventually floats up to an uninhabited island.  Soon realizing he’s the only survivor and that rescue isn’t imminent, he begins searching for food and trying to build a shelter.  Several items from the plane […]

11 years ago



No Fear of Failure

I have three children, with the oldest beginning his senior year in high school. Some time ago, I began writing down comments, insights and various nuggets of information to share with my oldest son. During this timeframe, the list has grown into 11 Notes to Live By, and I’ll be blogging about various items on […]

11 years ago



What is it?

In this short video, Dr. Chris White explores the question, “what is it?” What is the number one thing you could work on that would increase your performance and fulfillment? What is it that could help you overcome your personal constraints? What is it that drives you crazy about your co-worker? When you think about […]

11 years ago



Building Leadership Grit

In the last few years I’ve become more sensitive to the impact that loss has on individuals.  Regardless of reason, whether war, depression, economics, death, illness or the other myriad of maladies that plague the human condition, when we are hit with traumatic and unexpected tough events, what is it that wells up and enables […]

11 years ago



The Platinum Standard

In the 2012 Summer Olympics, the United States men’s basketball team won their second consecutive gold medal under coach Mike Krzyzewski.  Coach K documented the beginning of this journey following the 2008 Olympics in a book entitled The Gold Standard.  In the book, Krzyzweski discusses how he defined 14 behaviors that were essential for the […]

12 years ago



Be a Copy Cat!

Someone once said: “People seldom improve when they have no model but themselves to copy.”  I have been fortunate because I’ve had several outstanding mentors to learn from and copy!  Truth is, I’ve gone further both personally and professionally than I thought I could because they thought I could! They were brains to pick, ears […]

12 years ago



Instead of being something to everyone, be everything to someone!

Building deep relationships with people is very important and often taken for granted.  Most people meander through the day without a specific plan on improving the relationships with those around them.  Their day consists of attending staff meetings, responding to emails, answering the phone, confirming the travel plans, etc.  In essence, you get caught up […]

12 years ago



The Power of the Second Serve

Recently Roger Federer won his 17th Grand Slam tennis title at Wimbledon, the most prestigious tournament in the sport. Although I am not an avid tennis fan, I did want to watch this final as Federer is considered the greatest player of our generation. What struck me as I watched was the low percentage of […]

12 years ago



Can You Handle the Truth?

Lee Bason, partner and Executive Vice President at the Flippen Group discusses the need for feedback in leadership. Watch this insightful video and ask yourself, can you handle the truth?

12 years ago



The Hardest Job in the World…is Mine?

How’s this for a challenging job?  In this job, you have 60 minutes to complete the following…go: Pick up the phone, dial a stranger’s number Realize the stranger doesn’t want to talk to you (because their boss forced them to take part in this “growth opportunity”) Engage them despite their skepticism Talk about the toughest […]

12 years ago



What We Do, How We Do It, and Why

First, let me explain what we do.  We make people and organizations better.  There isn’t anyone that we can’t help improve.  That’s what we do.  We help align their talent with their strategy so that they have the right people doing the right things.  We do gap analysis on talent and we provide behavioral growth plans […]

12 years ago



Life in Steel

A common occurrence when working in the leadership development industry as a speaker, consultant and executive coach is being privy to the leadership challenges, personal concerns and aspirations of clients, colleagues, and friends.  The job hazard of my type of work is that when someone learns what I do, they say something like “Boy, I […]

12 years ago



Act Like You’ve Been There

Brad McCoy here at The Flippen Group was an extremely successful high school football coach for over two decades.  I’m always fascinated by his stories and the techniques he used with those players. A few years ago, I was with Brad at a game.  Not just any game, but his team was in the Texas […]

12 years ago



It’s the Box Top!

All great leaders do the following 4 things extremely well: They know where they are going. (VISION) They are able to persuade others to follow. (INFLUENCE) They meet people’s needs, get them unstuck. (SERVE) They grow successors. (DEVELOP) Today I want to talk about VISION. During most holidays, you’ll find a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle […]

12 years ago



Two Halves Make a Whole

In a speech recently, I was asked, “Why don’t we just focus on the positives and forget the negatives? I don’t like to think about the negatives so I think we should just focus on the good things that we do and try to do them better.” Well, that sounds good but the problem is […]

12 years ago



What is Influence Worth?

I have a question for you today: “Why Change?” In my work as an executive coach and corporate trainer, I try to get people to change every day. Ironically, eighteen years ago when I first sat down with Flip Flippen about my personality and my personal constraints, I wasn’t just a little bit defensive, I […]

12 years ago



You Can’t Handle The Truth!

You may remember the title as a quote from the movie, A Few Good Men, when Jack Nicholson’s character, after being challenged for the truth by a defense attorney played by Tom Cruise, shouts, “You can’t handle the truth!” There may be little, perhaps nothing, on the earth more precious than the truth. Unfortunately, the […]

12 years ago



Hurricane Recovery, An Ultra-Marathon

Like you, I witnessed the recent devastation of Hurricane Harvey along the Gulf Coast and of Hurricane Irma in Florida. My thoughts go back to my experience as Chief of the US Army Corps of Engineers in the recovery effort after Hurricane Katrina. That recovery was a multi-year marathon that took incredible teamwork, perseverance, resources, and people helping people.

7 years ago

Education, Business,


R.L. VanAntwerp Gold de Fleury Medal Recipient

  R.L. “Van” VanAntwerp, Jr., LTG (R) was awarded the prestigious 2015 Gold de Fleury Medal by the U.S. Army Engineer Regiment. As the highest honor given by the regiment, the Gold de Fleury medal is named after François de Fleury, a French engineer who served the Continental Army during the American Revolution, and who […]

9 years ago

Education, Business,


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Break Free of the Behaviors
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