
Thunderbolt Middle School is Honored to Host Flippen Group Founder

Thunderbolt Middle School is Honored to Host Flippen Group Founder

By Flippen Group

8 years ago



flip-thunderbolt_2Thunderbolt Middle School, in Arizona’s Lake Havasu Unified School District, recently received a visit from Flippen Group founder, Flip Flippen. This Founder’s Visit was part of the award and recognition the school received for their accomplishment at being named a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase School for 2015-2016.

Principal Mari Jo Mulligan expressed appreciation for the visit. “It’s been several months since we knew that we had been honored with the Showcase School award and so just to know that Flip is here – out of all the places he could be – just to celebrate and honor us is…I don’t really have the words,” Mulligan said.

Read the full article HERE.

Flippen Group

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