
Business Posts

[Gallup] The ONE skill your team most wishes you had…

[Gallup] The ONE skill your team most wishes you had…

By Flippen Group

6 years ago




The team you’re leading has changed whether you know it or not.

Are you changing?

If not, you probably haven’t learned the ONE skill that Gallup calls, “The No. 1 quality that makes a manager great.”

This is the ONE quality or skill your team most wishes you had.

Do you have it?

You are probably leading (or soon will be leading!) a “non-traditional” team.

This is a team based on a kind of employer-employee relationship that your grandparents never dreamed of.

According to Gallup, we are experiencing the rapid rise of the “independent worker in the gig economy.”

But even the “formally employed” workforce of today expects “greater autonomy than those in times past.” In settings where team members have to show up at a particular place every single day, flexibility and independence are becoming commonplace.

The nature of employment is changing because the workforce is demanding it.

As such, the way we lead and manage must change, too.

So, what’s the ONE quality or skill that makes a manager great?

Great managers have learned to be a “coach” — not a “boss.” And so must you!

Gallup explains that interactions in a coaching relationship are more frequent and personalized than in a traditional management relationship.

Coaches help team members become “their best,” by providing quality, actionable feedback and lots of it!

The greatest coaches, the kind people want to follow, are strategic visionaries with empathy and self-awareness.

Strategic vision. Empathy. Self-awareness.

Do you know how you measure up on these competencies? Or do you just think you know?

Can you articulate a vision with clarity and energy so others want to follow you? Do you demonstrate empathy and care in a way that is felt by your team? Are you self-aware, knowing definitively how your team experiences you?

The only way to know for sure is to have concrete, scientific, and completely reliable 360 data.

The Flippen Profile can give you this information.

And we can give you the coaching you need, so your team can have the coach they need.

Get the results you want in business: have fun, hit goals, earn bonuses.

Contact us!

Flippen Group

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