
Business Posts

Why You Shouldn’t Focus On The Positive And Forget The Negative

Why You Shouldn’t Focus On The Positive And Forget The Negative

By Flip Flippen

10 years ago




00:23 Wherever You Go, There You Are
00:56 Why Don’t We Just Focus On The Positive And Forget The Negatives?
01:54 What If You Were Really Good At Throwing A Baseball?
03:06 You Don’t Want The Fewest Constraints, You Want The Least Impacting
04:03 A Special Invitation For Leaders

In my previous videos we discussed the first two laws in the Five Laws of Personal Constraints. If you haven’t watched them yet, click the links above to watch it now.

Here’s Law 3: Our Personal Constraints Play Themselves Out in Every Area of Our Lives

You may have heard the phrase, “Wherever you go, there you are.” This is true for our constraints, as well; they go wherever we go. The point of recognizing this is not to condemn ourselves and our limitations but to more fully understand their impact. If you are difficult at work, odds are good that you are just as difficult at home.

Just like trying to run from your shadow, you can’t run from your constraints. Realize the impact they make, be open to feedback and be willing to address them.

In a speech recently, I was asked, “Why don’t we just focus on the positives and forget the negatives? I don’t like to think about the negatives so I think we should just focus on the good things that we do and try to do them better.” Well, that sounds good but the problem is that it doesn’t work very well. For one, it ignores the impact that our constraints have on those around us.  We don’t live in isolation and believe me, just thinking about the positive will not take away the impact of the negative.  A one-sided focus doesn’t work.

That’s really at the heart of the problem, because there is really only “one you.” And sooner or later, the rest of the picture is going to show up. That’s when it’s important that the picture be a complete picture and that it look like and act like it should. Focusing on the positives alone won’t give you that picture. In fact, it will really only give you a lopsided life.

Let’s say that you are really good at throwing a baseball, so good that you make it to the pros and become a superstar. Let’s also say that you make so much money throwing a baseball that you are about as risk free as a person can be. But you have this other side—a side that others don’t see that much and you don’t really want others to see it. Let’s say that side is tied to your ability to control your temper and your impulsiveness.

Now we have a problem. The reason we have a problem is that we know people like that. They are incredible at what they do and they are icons in their field. You see their names in the sports pages and financial pages a lot. You know them but you never really get to see them because they are rarely ever seen. Yet they are known to everyone. They are people with a few personal constraints but those constraints are devastating no matter how great their strengths are.

The  overall impact of your personal constraints will determine their significance in your life. You don’t want the fewest constraints, you want the least impacting.  If you only have one personal constraint then you might have the fewest, but what if that constraint is that you destroy people due to your temper being uncontrolled…now, we have a problem.

Focusing on the good only or the strengths only or the talents only or the gifts only or anything only without mitigating personal constraints will not serve you well in life. I want to be balanced in my life and I want balance in every area if possible. Personal constraints will really wreck your life if you don’t tend to them, no matter how good you are in other areas. If you don’t believe me read the papers—they are full of people who don’t tend to both sides of their lives.

That’s why I want you to know about the Flippen Group’s Leadership Multiplier — a proven process that …

  • Will increase you and your teams’ peak performance level…
  • Create an internal motivation that inspires your people to be more, do more and achieve more…
  • Builds stronger, higher-performing teams for dramatically improved bottom-line results

In fact, I’d like you to take Leadership Multiplier for a “test drive.”

It’s my way of introducing you to the program, investing your personal improvement and helping your team.

It works like this: If you qualify, we will put you through the complete process without cost, so you can evaluate its effectiveness for yourself. You risk nothing more than an hour or so of your time.

In the end, if you like what you see, we can bring Leadership Multiplier to your entire team. If not, that’s okay too. You be the judge.

This unique process will…

  • Identify your personal strengths — and reveal how to develop them further for their own benefit and the benefit of your organization…
  • Uncover the behavioral constraints and counterproductive beliefs that are holding you and your team back from achieving peak performance — and show how to eliminate those constraints…
  • Provide a customized and measurable step-by-step action plan that will quickly drive you to a level of performance that will surprise you.

When all is said and done, you’ll be a stronger and more effective leader. Your teams will perform at higher, more productive levels than ever before. And your company will make faster progress toward its goals.

Hard to believe? Perhaps. But I’m not asking you to believe anything just yet, until you see the evidence for yourself. All I ask is that you refrain from disbelieving until you put the Leadership Multiplier Test Drive through the paces on yourself.

Yes, it will take 60 minutes of your time, yet the rewards are enormous because this process is so powerful and effective.

If you want me to make a personal investment in improving you, click the link below for more information.

I’ll get the ball rolling right away.

After all, in these hyper-competitive times, your organization needs every advantage it can get. And when you and your team are firing on all cylinders and working better together than ever before, you can’t help but get ahead.

And, as a bonus, I think you’ll will be more fulfilled, enjoy your work more and will have a renewed passion for your organization’s mission.

To learn more about how to take the Leadership Multiplier Test Drive, click HERE.

Flip Flippen

Whether working with Olympic athletes, professional money managers, or military leaders, Flip Flippen’s mission is the same: “To build relationships and processes that bring out the best in people.” He has applied this goal with hundreds of thousands of individuals, providing executive development and organizational consulting in four sectors: education, corporate, sports, and government. With an emphasis on changing behaviors and attitudes that stand in the way of success, he has helped organizations – from small rural school districts to Fortune 500 companies – achieve dramatic improvement in performance, leadership, trust, and productivity. Flip is the founder and president of the Flippen Group, started in 1990, voted the number two company to work for in Texas by Texas Monthly magazine. Today, the Flippen Group is one of the largest educator training companies and one of the fastest-growing leadership development organizations in North America. Their breakthrough educational processes and curricula are in use at thousands of school districts and campuses nationwide.

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Break Free of the Behaviors
That Hold You Back

Discover Flip’s strategies for identifying the Personal Constraints holding you back and develop a plan to break free and leave them all behind!

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