
Business Posts

“Teamalytics” is the New Name of Flippen Group Corporate Services

“Teamalytics” is the New Name of Flippen Group Corporate Services

By Flippen Group

6 years ago




Flippen Group Corporate Services has rebranded as “Teamalytics” to better convey their expertise: using analytics and coaching to remove the obstacles holding teams back so they can have fun, hit goals, and earn more.

Over the last 29 years, the Flippen Group has analyzed behavioral data from more than 500,000 people and consulted with 1000’s of teams in some of the largest and most respected organizations in the world, including professional sports teams, Fortune 100 companies, and private equity firms.

The Flippen Group was founded in 1990 by New York Times best-selling author Flip Flippen who, along with his wife and CEO Susan Flippen, has been named Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year.

Even the smartest and most talented team members can be frustrating to work with and hard to lead sometimes. But the problem is not team members themselves. It’s their counterproductive behaviors, such as defensiveness, harshness, arrogance, impulsiveness, insecurity, passivity, stubbornness, and negativity. These behaviors prevent teams from achieving their goals, bonuses, commissions, and promotions.

Here’s what can happen when counterproductive behaviors go unaddressed:

  • Newly formed teams and leaders fail to become productive.
  • Talented teams underperform their targets.
  • High-potentials go underdeveloped or underutilized.
  • Contentious team members create a toxic environment.
  • Conflict between team members becomes damaging.
  • Top-performers leave for better managers and culture.
  • Strategic initiatives get stalled or sabotaged.

But behaviors are a choice, and they can be changed. Leaders and teams can eliminate the counterproductive behaviors that make working together so challenging.

After 29 years, the mission of Teamalytics remains the same: to bring out the best in people.

“Teamalytics will continue to deliver the same scientifically-validated behavioral analytics and expert coaching and guidance that the world’s most respected organizations have come to rely on,” said Lee Bason, Partner and Executive Vice President.

Working on teams should be productive, fun, and rewarding.

And it can be!

For more information, contact:

Derek Lokey
Sr. VP Consulting
Phone: 1 (936) 218-1053

Flippen Group

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